Want your business to be seen by thousands every month? Here’s how.

Bethany Klanderman
Social Media For Business Owners
5 min readSep 12, 2018
By Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

If you are a business owner and using social media, your goal is to make your business reach more people and stand out.

If your business isn’t on social media, begin by reading the blog linked below.

5 reasons why social media works for small business

This blog will clearly explain why your business should be on social media. After you finish, come back to read the rest of this blog.

To a normal Facebook user, the number of followers or likes a page has corresponds to how many people will see your posts. If you like or follow a page on Facebook, this means that the content that the page posts will more than likely be shown to you compared to someone who doesn’t like or follow the page.

When looking at the business pages below, who would you assume has a better opportunity for their content to be seen by more people?

If you thought the page on the left with 298,606 likes, I don’t blame you. I would have thought the same.

(But here’s the inside secret)

Just because the follower count is higher, it means nothing when thinking about reach. Organic reach at least.

If you are unsure of what “reach” is, thanks to Sprout Social it is defined as “the total number of people who see your content.”

You may be wondering… “How is this possible?”

What I am trying to say is perfectly stated by Jordan Goggin, our Director of Partner Relationships,

“The follower count DIDN’T MATTER. What mattered was the ads we ran.”

What is an ad you may be asking? After asking our Ad Specialists I was able to perfectly summarize what these ads do and how they perform.

Our Ad Specialists at OSM are led by Jason Strand, Marketing Director, and two hard working individuals running hundreds of ads daily. These two employees of OSM are Sam and Amanda. When asked the question “What is a Facebook Ad?” Their answers consisted of

“An advertisement run through Facebook that gets shown on Facebook, Instagram, Instant Messenger, and Audience Network being shared to a specific audience depending on those demographics.”

In other words, as perfectly stated by Amanda,

“It is the most cost-effective form of an advertisement for a business.”

Goggin states,

“Where else can you spend $0.002 to reach someone with your brand?”

What does an ad look like?

Here are two great examples run by our very own at OSM…

These examples are two of many possible ads that your business could run. These ads can be targeted toward a specific audience that your business is looking for, according to demographic or behaviors. You can also use an existing customer list to deliver your ads to a super-specific group of your customers.

Think about this…

If a business has a total monthly budget of $2,250 for Facebook ads and starts with 297,714 Facebook page likes, you would assume that after 5 months of live pages run that their total reach would be out of this world.

From a collection of data, we were able to find that the total reach (organic & paid) was 4,122,844. This means that 4,122,844 people were reached by a pages content with and without paid distribution. Now don’t get me wrong, these numbers are AMAZING, but take a look at this…

With a page that had a lower monthly budget of $1,750 and started with 1,147 page likes, after 5 months of pages running, their total (organic & paid) reach was 3,335,948 (a difference of less than 800,000.)

Although 800,000 people seems like a lot, being that their page had 294,490 less page likes and a larger budget, this proves that the mentality of more followers means higher reach is wrong, comparatively.

If you are a business owner looking for more likes you need to ask yourself

“What are the goals I want to achieve?”

If your goal is for more people to see your social media content, it may be time to think about ads.

If your business isn’t on social media, and you are overwhelmed by the thought of running a business, social media, and Facebook ads, don’t worry.

We are here to help.

If this is the first time you have heard of us, Optimize Social Media is a dedicated social media marketing company that brings your company the most unique and updated content to reach and build your reputation online. If you are interested in what we do. Check out our website or give us a call at: 855–676–1212.

“We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it?” Erik Qualman

Optimize Social Media provides social media & reputation solutions that evolve with our clients. As social media experts we manage Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yelp, YouTube and Instagram accounts for our clients on a daily basis. We help the modern business owner implement a specialized social media strategy so that they can make more money in real life. Enjoy our blog.

