Your Business is Already on Social Media. Are You Managing Your Pages?

Anthony Vilaysack
Social Media For Business Owners
2 min readApr 12, 2018

This blog isn’t meant to serve as a scare factor, but it is a reality check. There’s a saying from Erik Qualman that echoes through the halls of Optimize Social Media.

Your business is already on social media and if you’re not managing your page, that means somebody else is.

Let’s say you’ve made the decision that social media just isn’t right for your business. You don’t want to look at it, you don’t want to manage it, you don’t want anything to do with it. Regardless of how you feel about social media, chances are, your business is already on Yelp, Facebook and Google.

How is this possible?

Here are a few different ways business pages can be created without your involvement:

1 If an employee lists your business as a place of employment, Facebook allows users to create pages so that the business can exist within their platform.

2 If a customer wants to leave a review, Facebook allows users to create business pages, so that they can share their thoughts and leave feedback.

3 Aggregate data; this is when search engines and algorithms do what they do best. They sift through data and find connections. If there is enough aggregate data drifting out on the web on your business, Facebook will automatically create a page for your business. The same holds true for Yelp and Google listings. If there is enough data out there on your business, an algorithm will create your page.

This means that almost anyone can make a page for your business.

Maybe none of this is a big deal to you, but what should be a big deal is the thought of anyone with a profile on these sites being able to modify your business information and data on your social pages if they are unclaimed. If you don’t claim your business, someone else can and probably will.

It’s like giving the neighborhood that surrounds your business cans of spray paint and allowing them to write whatever they want on the side of your building, good, bad, or otherwise. Not cool, right?

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can take control of your pages by going through the proper claiming procedures and start managing your own brand today. That’s what we do here at Optimize Social Media. We can help you and your business take control of your pages and succeed on social media with our proven strategies.

