Follow Me! I’ll Follow Back.

But Don’t Unfollow When I Do…

Dan LeBrun
2 min readApr 8, 2014

The last couple of weeks I’ve been garnering quite a few new followers on my music Twitter @bayview_terrace. My first reaction? “AWESOME. Looks like what I’m doing is working better than expected.” This soon changed as I moved on to check out their profile and see something along these lines…

Undisclosed Twitter Account.

I HATE this. I know that within 3-5 days (if not 3-5 hours) that follower will be gone. It’s like they had never existed, UNLESS I follow them back. Then everything magically gets better right? NOPE.

At this point you are an aimless twitter handle on their home page while they are but the same to you. This is not a “follower” in any way, it is just someone who is looking for one thing; numbers. People seem to think that Social Media is run off of numbers, statistics and analytics. Again — NOPE. It’s more discouraging to see 55,000 hits on your website that are 99.99% bots than 55 people like, comment and/or share a Youtube clip you’ve made (trust me I’ve been there.)

Quality trumps quantity almost every time.

Even if it’s just a few people in the beginning, in the infamous words of Gary Vaynerchuk, “Anything is better than zero.” It takes a genuine connection with another person to create a follower or fan.

Think about it, on the other side of that screen isn’t just a 1 or 0. It’s a human being. Human beings have their own thoughts, feelings and emotions. Why would you treat them like a statistic? Keep it real. Keep your content true to you and don’t treat your followers like numbers, give them the respect they have so graciously given to you.

“Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care” — Theodore Roosevelt



Dan LeBrun

Musician | Entrepreneur | Coffee Addict. Tweeting from @workingmandan.