Advertise Where You Have the Customer’s Attention

Which is not where you currently spend your advertising

David Kampmann
Social Media Lessons


I see the statistic updates coming out about how there is a shift in advertising dollars spent. The shift is from “traditional” media like print ads and commercials to the “digital” media. But it is too little, too late. People still spend money on advertising money on ads in yellow pages, the print edition. Why? This is not seen and not acted upon.

Growth of Digital Ad Spending from 2011 — 2017

Companies need to be spending their advertising dollars where their customer not only spends their time, but where they give their attention. People are watching a lot of TV, it might not be as much as it was in the past, but still is a lot. But that doesn’t mean that your commercial is reaching them. DVR’s, Tivo, & mobile devices take away any chance that they see or pay attention to your commercial. So why do it? Hint: I don’t have a good answer for that.

Go to where your customers are giving their attention. What do they focus on when they are avoiding paying attention to other things? Usually it is some social app/site. Then put your advertising dollars there. Having a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, etc., etc. is not enough. You have to pay for the views. If you are doubting this, go spend a couple minutes and look at your impression rate on your social networks. Odds are it is low. And on its way lower.

You are now competing with so many more companies on these social platforms to get your information in front of the eyeballs of your customers. If you are worried about getting them to click or engage with you, you need them to see it first. This is why advertising is important. Pay to get your content in front of your customers. And do it where they will actually pay attention to it. Social networks.

If this article starts you to think differently about how you advertise, please share this with your friends and followers. Thanks in advance.

Head over to to see more of my thoughts.



David Kampmann
Social Media Lessons

Higher Ed Techie | Social Media Educator | Dad | Social Marketer | #SiouxFalls | #SD4NU @SD4NU #edusocmedia #smprof #bufferchat #smedu #smm