Seizing Opportunity for Real Time Marketing

David Kampmann
Social Media Lessons
2 min readJan 12, 2015

Many business work tirelessly to try and be hip or cool. Working overtime to make their products trendy and not miss the boat.

Ok ok, enough euphemisms. But I could go on, there are so many words and phrases out there about doing things at the right time for a reason. We all want to.

And then there are people that do it. They get their product out there at the right time, and often doing it in real time.

What is real time? Real time is as close to instant as the opportunity arises. Let’s take a look at a good example of this.

On Saturday, January 10th, Julian Edelman made an awesome touchdown pass in the AFC Divisional Round Game. This is remarkable, because he is a receiver and this is his first pass in the NFL. And done in a clutch situation, I might add.

Within 24 hours, Edelman had up on his website a shirt commemorating this pass available for purchase.

This opportunity was not squandered by Mr Edelman. And this example shows that Rome was not built in a day. Sorry, had to get another one out there. A number of things needed to be done in advance for this to be done right. First, Julian Edelman needed a website, kudos to getting Not always the easiest to do. Also, Julian Edelman has built up his social networks. For example, his Twitter account has over 254,000 followers. He used both to make good use of this tweet.

Impressive work by Julian Edelman and the designers that made that shirt. Unless of course he designed it himself, which makes this even more impressive.

Lesson Learned

What can you come away from this with? Do the work in advance to make opportunities into successes. And then when the opportunity comes, use it.



David Kampmann
Social Media Lessons

Higher Ed Techie | Social Media Educator | Dad | Social Marketer | #SiouxFalls | #SD4NU @SD4NU #edusocmedia #smprof #bufferchat #smedu #smm