How to Keep Your Website Active: Social Media Content

Halilcan Soran
Social Media Marketing by Publing
2 min readMar 22, 2017

This story was originally posted on Publing Blog (

Keeping your website active could be challenging sometimes. If you are not a marketing specialist it is hard to decide which content would be and which content would not be effective. This is why most of the businesses are not able to keep their website up-to-date. We have some tips that might be helpful. Here they are:

Put your Social Media Content on Your Website

Keeping your Social Media accounts active is relatively easier than keeping your webpage. When you get traffic over search engines, you should give visitors something impressive on your webpage. Social Media is really useful to do so, therefore you shouldn’t hesitate to use the data from Social Media Platforms on your website.


Micro-blogs allow you to use shorter content to bring attention to your website. The posts are relatively shorter so they don’t need you to spend so much time on as a regular blog and it is a beneficial tool you should add to your arsenal to empower your website.

Sync Your Website with Your Latest Marketing Content

Don’t avoid using same content on different platforms. You might customize them but eventually use them. For instance if you have a content on social media you should display it on your webpage too. Don’t think it would look ugly if you use the same content on different platforms. Some people might check only one of the platforms. So you shouldn’t let them miss the content.

Promote Your Social Media Accounts on Your Website

Social Media icons are not favorable anymore. It is old-fashioned. As a business owner catching the new trends of marketing is really important. The new trend on promoting your social media accounts on your website is gathering all the data together, customizing it and displaying it on a single page. So your visitors wouldn’t miss any of the content from any of your accounts from your various social media accounts. You can use Publing to collect data from the most popular social media accounts, check them, customize them and display them on a single page.

