Listy — To Do list for everyday

Lakshmi Thampi
Social Media — My Bytes
1 min readMay 9, 2016

I am too listy! I work with my lists

My lists are endless….

A list for the things to be brought for home

A list for things to be done @ work, which i could improve as below.

A list for blogs to be written

A list for people to be called

A list for blah blah blah

even a list for sweet nothings too.

But reading today a blog post —

I made a list on basis of what Marissa Mayer — Yahoo chief had cracked by using it

To Do list



Lakshmi Thampi
Social Media — My Bytes

Scrupturient here. Digital mkteer @teknospire @hundred4future. Photography, Food and Movement entices. Writes when clarity is needed, interesting some concur.