Social Media 101 — Your Why

How to avoid boring your community

Bonnie Sainsbury
Social Media Smarter
1 min readOct 30, 2013


The first question folks ask me when I tell them what I do is “How do you know what to tweet/post about?”

Simon Sinek made Your Why popular in his TED talk. Even though the video was made in 2011, the message is still current. What is your why? What do you hope to accomplish using social media channels? If it’s for business, do you want to establish yourself as an industry leader? Do you want to stay connected with your current customer base? Do you want to do business research, to stay aware of trends? Do you want to watch your competition? Do you want to follow up with folks you meet at networking events or conferences?

You notice I didn’t say anything about lead generation, selling product or services or advertising. If any of those are your why, go back and read the last paragraph. It’s social, not a newspaper advertisement or a press release.

Write down your why and how that will benefit your business.

Remember, it’s just that easy



Bonnie Sainsbury
Social Media Smarter

Digital Business Strategist, Marketing Advisor. Award winning social media influencer.#WordPress #twitter #facebook #blab #podcast