Buying Process in 2014!

How We Really Buy Stuff Nowadays…

Ivo Madaleno
Social Media Stuff


Well… This happened to me, and as far as i am concerned, happens to almost everyone I know on 2014! Yes we are already in 2014…

How the process of buying something works right now?

Last year, one of the goals that I did not achieve bu the end of the year, was getting on the best fit ever :-(. You know why? I did not commit myself 100% and have putted this goal “on the shelf”. So this year, I need to work hard to get there!

Despite this, what I was planning for this quarter, was start a low carb diet, that I already did in the past with great results. Thanks to my, now good friend, Ágata Roquette a best seller portuguese author and nutritionist that got me into this “form of living”. It is a great way to loose weight and get great results without being starved (it was my first ever diet and I felt in love).

Getting back to my goal to be in best shape ever (get those 6 pack abs), I was planning on start the diet, (after Easter of course :-) ) to get rid of fat. Make exercise at least 3 times a week, in the morning, right after getting up, some HIIT exercise that i have found on Pinterest (I made a board called I love fitness, check it out). And some second wind workouts at the end of the day. Do also some run and walks at the beach or nature. Oh.. And of course kettlebell swings.

So I was not planning to buy something, or going to the gym, or taking some supplements…

But, last week one of my friends have posted on instagram, I think (I just don’t remember whom or where), a photo of some guy, that I first thought it was someone “rocking” on the social media marketing world, and that caught my eyes and searched for his name (google). The photo was getting some nice comments from other friends, too.

I have found that it was Shaun T. , the fitness rockstar, and google took me into his Insanity fitness program. Start seeing some videos, the amazing transformation that his program did on thousands of people and start becoming…

“WOW!!! That’s what I need :-), what an amazing program!”

See? First, I don’t even was thinking or needing some fitness program, but with the word of mouth (on steroids of social media) and the social proof from my friends’ comments and from the results of the program, my mind started thinking:

“ It’s this program that I was waiting for!”

60 days, one hour a day, get your best fit ever from your home! But, one hour is still more than what I was wanting to do… Wanted the same results, but less time per day!

Suddenly, from no buying mode, I have entered on fitness program buying mode. My “needs”? 60 days or less, but less than 60 minutes a day.

What I have done? Started to search for other fitness programs that “fitted” my “needs”.

But Shaun T. was already on my mind, saw other programs but at the end found that he had the amazing T25 program: same results, only 25 minutes a day! Buum! Amazon UK take this to my home :-).

I am already training from a video of Shaun T. On Dr. Oz show of 5 minutes and other of 15 minutes. I am in such a bad shape that on the 15 minutes workout, I only can take the first 5 minutes, the warm up… And I can’t wait to receive the package from amazon!

So, see how the process of buying something today works?

I was not on buying mode, saw a picture on social media, with comments from my friends that caught my eye. Created a need to buy… And bought!

At the end, the process is the same that always existed, word of mouth is powerful, we are still human beings, and this is not changing (at least for now :-). What is changing, really fast, is the tools that we have and the way we interact. Like Gary Vaynerchuck says:

“ Social media is the word of mouth on steroids!”

And I couldn't agree more with this statement!

What is somehow worrying is that the majority of the companies are still marketing like it was 2005 or even worst…

“We are now in 2014, wake up and embrace the new reallity!”

Oh… Do you want to join me on the most transforming 60 days of your life?

See? I haven’t done the program yet, and I am already talking and motivating other people to join me in the 60 day journey… How powerful this can be to your company?

This is my first post here on Medium, thanks for taking the time to read and hope this bring some value to you or someone you know. I would love to ear your thoughts and opinion, tweet me @ivomadaleno ;-).

And if you think this will help someone you know, please share and help me spread the word.



Ivo Madaleno
Social Media Stuff

Helping Entrepreneurs Growing Their Business Online. Blogging about #Pinterest and #Instagram. The guy of