How FOMO Broke Us Up

Andrew Burke
Social Media Sweethearts
1 min readNov 11, 2015


Four years is a long time to be in love with someone. Thats what we told ourselves anyway. It was year five of our relationship and we both knew it was over, but never talked about it. We wanted different things, we wanted different people and we wanted different lives. The funny thing was, what we wanted was the same — we just didn’t want it from each other.

We had always been “the couple” in our group of single friends. And we liked that. We had something they didn’t have, and that felt good. So good, it fooled us into thinking it actually was good. And for those four years we were in love, it was…or could have been.

For the last few months of our relationship, we were no longer “the couple” we were “the couple.” We saw our friends living their lives themselves as we lived our life together. Single-hood was tantalizing. We looked on with envy of our single fiends as they once looked at us with jealousy for being in a relationship.

