Un-Hinged as Told by Titanic

Diana C.
Social Media Sweethearts
4 min readDec 20, 2015


“You should try it!” my friend tells me after a glass of wine.

“Hinge? I mean I don’t really want to date.” I say defensively. I had stopped thinking of dating mostly because I referred to my love life like the Titanic.

“Coooooooome on!” she says, looking intensely at me.

“Okay, but only as an experiment.” I say while wondering if maybe somehow I am lying?

Nevertheless that is how I joined Hinge and tried it out for 3 weeks. Today I am deleting the app. How did it come to this? I just couldn’t take it seriously enough. Some of the profiles made me question the eligibility of single people. If these were my options, then dating would prove difficult. I may be crazy, but that’s fine by me.

For those of you who don’t know, Hinge is a dating app that connects with Facebook and only gives you matches that are within parameters you select, but its unique selling point is that these matches are friends with your Facebook friends. This way, because you know someone they know, people are less likely to be assholes.

Making an account was enough and I was fooled into thinking this was going to be the day I finally figured out dating.

Oh, how naive I was. What follows are real screenshots and my honest thoughts as I entered the world of Hinge for a shockingly educational 21 days.

Day 1

“Woah, William. Uhm my biggest achievement today was making breakfast. Maybe Hinge is not that bad.”

Days 2–21

“Why are 99% of all images, a guy climbing, doing cross-fit or whatever this guy’s doing.”

Day 4

“Hah Kevin, you funny! But no.”

Day 5

Uhhhhm….no. Still not impressed.

Day 6

This guy’s choice of literature makes me think that he didn’t go digital or he’s a collector but either way…no. Also, this dating project seems to be quickly sinking.

Days 7–12

John? Where are you? Is this some sort of trap?

Day 14

This guy’s description is a little intense.

Day 17

Your sister? Cousin? Ex? NVM. X.

In the end, Hinge may work for other people, but for me it felt bland and never provided that excitement I was looking for.

