You + Me = Us?

Andrew Burke
Social Media Sweethearts
2 min readAug 23, 2016


We met on match.

Yea, math said we were a good match and as much as I hate to prove Ms. Davis right, I did finally appreciate using math for something in my life — though I wasn’t the ones crunching the number so I’m not exactly going to be sending her a card.

I met my girlfriend of 8 months on, or more accurately with the app.

We were a 78% match for whatever that’s worth. She answered way more (more than double but still a little less than triple) of the questions than I did. We’d both been on Match dates before and had similarly disappointing experiences with those who we were matched at and around 90%. Similar interests, opinions, belief, thoughts and experiences are not what they’re all cracked up to be. At least for us. Where’s the fun in getting to know someone who is basically you?

On a few of my previous Match dates we’d have a lot to talk about but it sometimes felt like we were preaching to the quire. It didn’t add up. *Take that Ms. Davis.* Match’s algorithm, responsible for more successful relationships (or whatever they claim) was saying the girls I went out with were totally compatible with me. Maybe they had more fun than I did. Maybe I’m the odd one out (as always) or maybe, the algorithm is just half the equation.

I stopped looking for the “perfect” match and started looking for the right one. I didn’t just say to myself “well the math proves it,” I did my work. I decided to do a little deeper dive before setting up a first date. I excluded more matches than I included, but I immediately saw the benefits. I was have more engaging encounters and ultimately met my girlfriend.

This approach may not work for everyone (my girlfriend for example says she wanted to get to know me in person) but it’s what finally worked for me.

