Same users commenting everywhere? Let’s check through a Network Analysis on Reddit

This story is a continuation of another story by the same author.

Reddit is one of the most popular social news aggregation sites where people post interesting contents and other users react and comment on these posts. Since it is a website with over 330 million users, it is interesting to study the comments made on these posts in order to understand the sentiment related to a popular topics.

In the previous story, I have highlighted the sentiments related to the popular social media site TikTok, which the US government had decided to ban from the app marketplace. Though the ban has not been implemented yet, it would be an interesting study to explore the comments made by different Redditors.

Preparing the data

I am using the dataset which was collected as a part of this story. It consists of the top 100 comments each day on Reddit about the term “tiktok”, for last 120 days. After cleaning this data, it contains 11900 records.

It is more convenient to analyze a graph network than analyzing through an excel sheet. Hence I tried the following softwares to process my dataset:

  1. Gephi
  2. NetworkX
  3. Neo4j

