Adele Is Stronger Now

Adele - Alasdair McLellan

There was a thrift store that was pretty low-key that my mom, sister, and I loved going to and still go to from time to time. It seemed that just about every time we were there they played at least two songs by Adele. My mom could not stand it because she thought the music was depressing. One time my mom said “why don’t you just jump off a building already” although that was pretty brutal (and funny) enough of Adele’s music can very well have that effect on people. In the article Adele Cries Too Her Music Too, well I guess the title is self-explanatory, we find out that Adele also cries to her own songs.

Adele is the queen of breakup, reminiscent, regretful, heartbroken love songs. I say this because when the feels creep up behind you Adele is the first person that comes to mind. Who better to go to than her? Sam smith makes a close second but that’s beside the point. As Parele states, her 2011 album 21 sold over 30 million copies worldwide. On top of her authentic music derived from her own real experiences and heartbreak, Paul Epworth mentions that “She’s got this incredible intuition about what’s right and what’s real and what suits her”. That is what makes Adele a successful artist, not only is she a talented singer but she is a smart songwriter and performer.

Adele went ghost on everyone for a bit but what she produced while she was off the grid was so worth the wait. Not only is her hit song Hello played repeatedly on the radio, if you are on vine for long enough you’ll hear the song at least 748,930,373,892 times in these 6 second videos. Not to mention that Hello was talked about by millions on twitter when it was first released. The song itself was not only heart striking and powerful, it was the perfect sound and name for Adele’s comeback. Parele writes, “The story, in many songs on “25,” is about what to hold on to from the past and what to let go.” What is beautiful and refreshing about Adele and her album 25 is that it tells a story. The songs flow together and make sense. Parele states ““Hello” doesn’t just introduce “25”; in many ways, it sums up the album.” This was a very smart move on Adele’s part because it makes the listeners want to hear what the other songs are and inevitably cry to those songs too.

Her powerful voice, sound, and message threatened her singing career at one point. Singing such heavy material can and did have an effect on Adele physically and emotionally. “It got so out of control, the last album. I was a bit frightened for a while to step back into it.” said Adele. Parele states “health problems, including a vocal hemorrhage that threatened to permanently damage her voice, had forced her to cancel extensive touring in 2011 and undergo throat surgery..”.

Although my mom was joking when she said “why don’t you just jump off a building already” some of Adele’s comments admitted to her having self-doubt and doubting if she would go on with her singing career and considering stepping down on a high with her album 21. “How I felt when I wrote ‘21,’ I wouldn’t want to feel again. It was horrible. I was miserable, I was lonely, I was sad, I was angry, I was bitter. I thought I was going to be single for the rest of my life. I thought I was never going to love again. It’s not worth it.” –Adele

Although Hello has the same heart wrenching feel as many of her previous songs, it is evident that she has gained a lot of strength as a woman and an artist. She says that she has to be strong “the backbone” for her child and does not have time to fall apart. And although she has gained much strength, Adele still feels emotion when she performs her songs and it is conveyed in her voice, as shown in the closing paragraph.

