Taylor Swift & Social Media = Unstoppable Force

Sam LaFell
Social Media Trends in International Music
3 min readSep 11, 2015

Thinking about social media, music, and pop culture can create almost an instant recall of someone who does all three of those things very well. Taylor Swift is a music artist that had a very calculated claim to fame, and social media played a crucial role in that. The way Swift uses social media continues to set a precedence for how others should use it.

The article by Ted Gross effectively analyses just about everything the young pop sensation does right on her social media channels and everywhere else on the World Wide Web. There are numbered key things that all artists need to do in an attempt to replicate the success of an incredibly successful Taylor Swift.

Flickr upload by user Amalia Adina.

Taylor isn’t the only one, but utilizing social media avenues is the equivalent to double-xp weekend for any RPG. It’s the right time, right place mentality. She does what is necessary, but is carried by the current Gross acknowledges Swift’s presence on social media and establishes how crucial it is that she is active as selectively as possible.

The thing about Taylor that sets her apart, though, is the way she interacts with her fans. When these fans are harassed publicly, somewhere easily visible, then the chances of Swift (or someone on her Public Relations staff) finding the attack and coming back fairly quickly with support are good. The visibility that Taylor and her staff choose to have is impeccable. The word, “choose”, is also very intentional because they by no means need to have that visibility. Taylor is already popular and successful, but this presence will be the secret to her lasting fame.

“According to available internet stats, Taylor Swift has over 60 million followers on Twitter and 38 million followers on Instagram. Between Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, Swift has more than 140 million followers or subscribers.”

Any musician or someone with national presence can make it big on social media platforms, where tons of users tend to congregate. What separates the strong from the weak is what these people do with their social media fame. Swift popularly uses it unselfishly, and with the intention of benefiting others. With the amount of support Swift gives and receives, she is becoming a force that can’t be reckoned with.

Swift’s popularity can be seen here, in a complete accidental release of white noise. Some issues with iTunes resulted in :08 of white noise being released as “Track 3” off of her album “1989” in October of 2014. The surprising thing about the whole incident was that the 8-second confusion ended up topping the Canadian iTunes charts, showing that she could do just about anything and profit beautifully from it.

Social Media in this day and age will be the kick-start to some artists’ careers or it will be simply a possible route that some choose not to take. But no matter what happens, social media is going to play a pivotal role for years to come.



Sam LaFell
Social Media Trends in International Music

Passionate about Data Science, Intercultural Communication, and everything in between!