How many tweets a day

So how many tweets a day should you write as a company or a brand?

Miha Cirman
Social media universe


If you are new to twitter?

So how many tweets a day should you write as a company or a brand? There is a few answers to that question and it depends on what you want to do and how involved you are going to be. If you are puzzled by this question you are probably new to twitter and that’s great. We know that companies most often live hectic lives and that’s why we suggest that tweet a day is the best solution. That was the motto for us when we started building our mobile app Tweet a day, that will write tweets for you. This is the best advice I can give you. Everything else will just take too much energy and thinking and you will end up not trying it. Tweet what ever comes to your mind (about your company or brand of course).

Frequent daily use

But after while, when you get used to tweeting? This is where things get complicated. There are a few paths you can follow. Post about everything (just do not spam). Twitter was build for that and users are used to reading tweets they want to. Or pick the cherries on the cake. I would say that 5-8 tweets per day is a good number. We estimate that average tweets per user per day is around 5 tweets a day.

What about conversations and retweets?

Conversations on Twitter are great and are different then IM (immediate messaging or chat). Everyone can pitch in. I would say that tweets in conversation do not count into your daily tweet number and that you can go crazy and have as long a conversation as you wish, with as many people as you like.
Retweets, like conversation retweets are a different breed. You can do 10 retweets a day beside your usual number of tweets. Most of users do retweets while reading tweets and quite a few of them in the same time span (let say a few minutes). You should space them out a little bit. You should use a tool like RTweazy, HootSuite, Buffer for that. Retweets are great for authors of tweets, so use retweets.


Should I do repetitions? Repeating tweets is what you should concern yourself with, if you are targeting different time zones, different markets. Using same content more than once is not frowned upon, but you should know why you are doing it. So if you are measuring what is the best time to post, using the same content can help you measure results. If you want to use same content twice in one day for the same market, you should think about it. I can see no problem in using it twice in one week. But there is an upside to using different content. You are immediately getting results which tweet gets more retweets, clicks, favorites…

Content, content, content

You will get different suggestions about number of tweets you should post, but after all it all comes down to the content. If you have great content you can tweet as you please. Let’s say you are at a big conference and you are tweeting about the lecture or new products that you like. Or if you posted a blog, new product, press release and some reviews, tell us about that too. There is a great way to manage Twitter accounts that are spamming. Unfollow…

So please tweet, because it’s a fun and engaging way of telling people what you do.



Miha Cirman
Social media universe

Founder of CODEBЯAINEЯ @thecodebrainer With more than 80 web and mobile app projects behind me, it is time to share that knowledge.