Monthly SMM Ninja Plan: Neo Lessons

Olga Filonchuk
Social Media World
2 min readMay 30, 2013

The information flow on Social Media is enormous, strong as a flood and fatal for your personal and working time like a hurricane. Yes, it’s almost a natural phenomenon where you have little control without proper beforehand planning and which development curve has already acquired a negative tendency.

Before you look at the comics and then hurry up to close the tab with this article, I just want to confirm it’s not a WWBD (what would Buffy do) post (WWND - what would Neo do - in our case). We’re trying to dig deeper and suggest you on applying feasible solutions to your ambitious SMM month plan that looks usually like this:

You know multitasking, I know multitasking and Neo is the king of multitasking, but who cares if you just don’t have time for everything? Aha, you think that this is what to-do lists are for: to help you manage your activities. But before we talk about your activities, let’s focus on your goals first.

Your Monthly SMM Goals: Thomas Anderson Perspective

They may differ. No joking, I have really just written that. Your goals differ on your internal marketing strategy, your SMM strategy, your industry, audience, etc. There are too many ifs and which is why I suggest you having a look at your Social Media presence like you’ve never ever seen it before.

Let’s assume you know your audience and know they hang out on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and, say, YouTube. What are your goals there? They are probably very straight-forward:

  1. Get more targeted fans, followers, friends, subscribers for both personal and corporate accounts;
  2. Increase engagement and I bet that you measure engagement by a number of likes, shares, re-shares, views, comments. It’s a somewhat naïve and fatal mistake, but let’s leave it for another blog post;
  3. Increase traffic.

Let’s assume that you have to write for your corporate blog, also contribute to the guest posting efforts of your team and count Social Media ROI.

Goals -> Activities Transformation: Thomas Anderson becomes Neo

Here we gotta think what activities typically lead to goal 1, 2, 3 executions. You might have your own special recipes, but I’d love to specify the basic ones that normally work regardless of your industry or previous SMM efforts.

If you’re interested in reading this blog post further, please go to the original place where it was published:



Olga Filonchuk
Social Media World

social media newbie with a keen interest in history, arts, rope-jumping and adventurous cooking. tweeting for @LinkAssistant and sharing my smile with the world