Cyberbully: Paralyzing the Social Media

Asutosh Hota
Social Media Writings
3 min readNov 14, 2018

How often have you felt embarrassed and start to stay away from your friends and other groups with the fear of being rejected by them? This brings in depression and a feel of being unsafe to go to school or work. What if you say something really stupid and the whole group just makes fun of you? We come from different backgrounds, cultures and even different corners of the world and the way we think as well as the things we know vary greatly. This scenario is present almost everywhere but mostly it is prevalent in schools and colleges where students are not that mature enough to decide what’s right or wrong and might do/say something that not only hurts someone but also makes the person so weak psychologically that situation becomes worse! This age group of 13–17 years is today exposed in this world of likes, shares and tweets which affects them more than ever. Sometimes the effects are so detrimental that the victims of what we term “Cyberbullying” can hardly recover and have to spend the rest of their lives in the cocoon of depression, trauma and helplessness.

There are a few things you need to remember if someone you know is being bullied. First of all, it is not their fault and they should know they are not alone. There is help available and they won’t be ever considered weak if you seek for it. This world still has a lot of people who lend helping hands in the time of need. It might be their best friend, their family, their girlfriend or even professional help from a doctor, they just need to share their biggest insecurities to someone they trust and let others help them to come out from the spiral of fear and sadness to the new horizon of confidence, courage and goodwill.

If you take the first step to help someone, you are half way through and trust me, things might not improve suddenly but gradually you will make the world a better place to live in.

Every person is special in his own way and it is really unethical as well as inhuman to be bad to someone, on the internet as well as in person. If you find out that someone is being bullied and going through the mental pressure, lend a helping hand and be their pathfinders. We all have been through a similar situation at some point in our lives and we can be a great asset to someone and help them to get out the helpless situation they are in. Furthermore, we should also be responsible before writing, sharing or supporting something on social media because some of this content might not affect us in any way but they might be really sensitive to some individuals. Also, parents should give more attention to their kids and they should give them the time and support they need throughout their childhood as they are really prone to cyberbullying in schools and high schools. If they are not supported and provided with help, it would be difficult for them to cope up well in the future.

Summing it up, we should be responsible users of the Internet and try our best to help those who are in need. I have a simple solution to this problem though,

“Be responsible and rethink before you type.”

