Content Curation in Social Media Marketing

Luis Borba
Social Media
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2013


The internet has made vast amounts of information available to everyone. One problem: it’s scattered everywhere and needs to be sorted and catalogued.

Enter the content curator, whose role in social media isn’t exclusive, but part of a greater marketing role and objective. The human element that sorts through the pieces of the information puzzle, delivering a unique perspective on the topic.

Rohit Bahargava, author of Manifesto for the Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job of the Future, put it best when he described the role of content curator as, “Someone whose job it is not to create more content, but to make sense of all the content that others are creating.”

Social media content curation can be described in the following three steps:

Research: Gathering information from various websites and other sources like traditional media. Determining what’s of value for the current topic and what gets put aside.

Relevance & Context: Analyzing the collected data and determining how it relates to the key marketing objective. Attributing the information to the overall theme for the story that will sell your brand.

Insight: Imparting wisdom from your experience to identify a unique piece of information or trend that will provide the basis for a prediction, a unique shift in the norm…a tipping point.

Connecting the Information Dots

These three steps are an effective approach to dealing with the information overload that content curators face. It’s an iterative process. You build up the layers like the chapters in a book, telling the story over time while keeping the audience interested and wanting more. The goal, however, is not to get to the end of the story, but to continue it, revising as you go along.

This article and many more related to social media can be found on the KPDi blog.



Luis Borba
Social Media

Writer, photographer, digital marketer. This order may change without notice.