Social Media Marketing Strategies For Restaurants

Luis Borba
Social Media
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2014

I recently came across several mind maps that I had created, detailing strategies for various types of clients. One such client owned a couple of restaurants in the city. The purpose of the mind map was to serve not only as a guide (and reminder) for ongoing and future projects, but it was also something that I wanted to give to the client as well so they could continue with their social media efforts.

Social media marketing strategy for restaurants is a high-level overview of some of the efforts that owners and employees should keep in mind when managing the day-to-day operations. It’s not complete. You can add many more branches to this mind map. It could become a very detailed road map for social marketing, but this is a start, and I hope that you find it useful.

The mind map is split, with the right side being the place where I put down ideas and channels in which the restaurant could promote itself. The left side focussed on the image aspect of promotion across those ideas and channels. That old adage of a picture being worth a thousand words is certainly true. People will want to hear and read about your restaurant, but pictures will convey so much more is much less time.

I firmly believe that there is always time to create content. It doesn’t have to be pulitzer prize winning stuff, it can be simple, short, to the point, and easily digestible…no pun intended. Most of the content can be created on the fly, during business hours. Mobile phones make this task more convenient than ever before. So get to it.

Originally published at on October 13, 2014.



Luis Borba
Social Media

Writer, photographer, digital marketer. This order may change without notice.