Meet the Social Misfits Squad — Biba Maya

Rorie Clarke
Social Misfits Media
4 min readMar 10, 2020

Over the last few years, Social Misfits Media has grown significantly so we thought we’d take the time to introduce you to our ever expanding team! “Meet the Social Misfits Squad” is a new weekly series we’ve put together to highlight and introduce you to every member of our work family.

To kick things off we speak to one of the newest members of our team, Biba Maya Randle-Caprez, who joined this past December. Biba is a Community Manager who works on social media channels to create engaging content to share on their platforms, as well as managing their ads. Biba has been working in social and political campaigning, as well as the marketing and comms industry for over 4 years and is no stranger to working on creative campaigns.

What’s a typical day at SMM for you Biba?

No day is typical at SMM, but every morning I usually start the day with some community engagement on all the social media channels I run. I then check all my ads and scheduled content to make sure it’s all great. The rest of my day I will often spend writing content, reports, blogs or attending events for clients. I often have a few meetings too and lots Earl Grey teas!

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve found from working at SMM?

You never stop learning! There is so much knowledge to absorb when it comes to being a good Community Manager. From learning ads and metrics to mastering best practice. Algorithms and ways of working constantly change. I’ve learned that the skill is not to have the answers for clients straight away, but it’s about being on top of reporting and evaluation so that you can continue to learn and test new things based on your past successes. You can then get insights into what is best for the client in order to ensure they thrive and grow.

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give our clients?

Don’t assume you know your audience or what they want without really assessing them first. It’s quite easy to write content based on your brand without thinking about whether this brings the audience you are trying to build any value. Decide on who you want your audience to be, assess whether it’s the audience you’ve got and then work from there to develop a solid strategy.

What purpose-led campaign in recent years has resonated with you most?

I really like ‘Young Champion of the Earth’ which is a UN initiative looking for young change-makers with big ideas to change the world and save the planet. Young people are leading the fight right now and it’s fitting that in 2020 we look to empower them in their leadership even more.

Personally, what’s your favourite social media platform and why?

I personally love Instagram, the whole format of it is really intuitive to me and I like that it’s all centered around photographs that tell a story. It’s so easy to find value in that, whatever your interests and passions are.

What’s your favourite Instagram feature and why?

I love Instagram Stories. Just because I think it’s great to see people’s lives curated from their point of view. People can post as much or as little as they want and because it isn’t on their story forever, there isn’t pressure for it to be professional or perfect — it’s just nice to see a video of your friend walking their dog and having a good day.

What’s the last TV show you’ve binged?

Sex Education — Season 2 on Netflix. It’s an easy watch, funny, heart-warming and has great music!

What 4 pieces of pop culture would you take with you to a desert island?

Film: Amelie — I also love the soundtrack to this so I’m getting some extra music for free! Is that cheating?

TV Series: Parks and Recreation — I’ve watched every series more than twice and I still find it so funny. I also believe in the power of public service so the meaning of this show lives in my soul.

Album: A mixtape my Dad made me and my sister when we were kids. It still has all our family favourites on there that we would dance to around the living room.

Book: The Alchemist — This is a very profound book, I can read it over and over and always find something new to take away from it, whilst still being critical which I think is the mark of a great book.

We’d like to thank Biba for her time. Please feel free to connect with Biba on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter. Next week we’ll be talking to our Managing Director, Natalie Clarke!

