Meet the Social Misfits Squad — James Mercer

Rorie Clarke
Social Misfits Media
3 min readMay 29, 2020

“Meet the Social Misfits Squad” is our ongoing interview series where we sit down with members of the Misfits family to chat about their work, passions and backgrounds.

This week, we caught up with the newest squad member, James Mercer. James is SMM’s Director, meaning he’s responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of our agency. James has been working in the comms sector for over 7 years, so he certainly knows his way around a newsfeed!

What’s a typical day at SMM for you?

This has been very unique for me as I started during lockdown (as per my haircut). This means my days consist of many zoom calls, writing proposals and staying on top of all things social. No two days are the same, but I like it like that.

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve found from working at SMM?

It’s a bit corny to say this, but how great the team is. Everyone is ready to help on all levels and they’re all really good. The culture and approach to work is really good.

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give our clients?

On social, focus on engagement first. Engagement meaning people actually sharing your content and having conversations about it. All other social media aims are more effective when you have an engaged community.

What purpose-led campaign in recent years has resonated with you most?

I would say the Nike ‘Dream Crazy’ ad/campaign. I feel they entered a space that most brands would be scared to enter (other than probably Ben & Jerry’s). This was very brave and it had multiple motivating messages and could resonate with anybody. I’m always a fan when large corporations take a ‘tasteful’ stand on any issue, although I’m aware that it is a huge risk. The follow up content with simple quotes from athletes also performed very well.

Personally, what’s your favourite social media platform & why?

This changes all the time, but right now, my favourite social media platform is LinkedIn. This is a place you can professionally share your opinion with a blog; follow industry news; and get yourself a job! I truly think people underestimate how important LinkedIn actually is for our day to day lives. I think we are still yet to see an organisation use it to its full capacity.

What’s the last TV show you’ve binged?

The last TV show I binged happens to be The Last Dance, detailing the career of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls during that period. The show has become a bit of a social phenomenon at this time so I wouldn’t say there’s too much I can add based on what people have already said. As a basketball fan, it’s good to see behind the scenes of recent basketball history. I liked that we were able to see their reactions from what people had said about them. I hope they can do a follow up with another basketball dynasty.

What 4 pieces of pop culture would you take with you to a desert island? (1 x film, 1 x tv series, 1 x album, 1 x book)

Film: Pulp Fiction — I find myself having to see this one till the end whenever it comes on.

TV Series: Sopranos — There is no TV show on the level of Sopranos. They get close, but they don’t get better.

Album: Mary J Blige, My Life — I don’t skip a single track. This album would be good till I can get off the island and hear more music.

Book: Malcolm Gladwell, Blink — I’d like to read this one again.

We’d like to thank James for his time. Please feel free to connect with James on his LinkedIn and Twitter profiles.

