Nena Pavloska
Social Mustard
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2015


My brothers new girlfriend

Psychological analysis of a Facebook profile

Few days ago my brother told me he has a girlfriend and I was so happy to hear about that so I attacked him with tons of questions. But since he’s a little bit shy and not very open with me (the older sister!) he didn’t gave me lots of information. “Well… she’s nice and she goes to the same school as me.” But that didn’t feed my curiosity! So I turned to my precious tool Facebook.

Nowadays you can understand about a person’s character and personal life more through Facebook than with years of friendship. The people are sharing their personal information, feelings, photos, dikes and dislikes, opinions, and lots of other things with the other users, mostly because they want to feel more connected with their friends or maybe because they want to share the happy moments with the digital world.

Back to my research, I opened her profile and the first things that popped up were the profile picture and the cover picture. The profile picture is photo of her, a little distant shoot from the side with artistic touch. In my opinion it was showing that she is confident person, but not too much, and not an arrogant. Meanwhile the cover photo is a quote by Churchill: “Drunk enough to say I love you?” which demonstrates that she likes literature or she just likes humorous quotes, either ways she must be an open minded person.

In the part of the personal information she shared almost everything: university, city, members of family, relationship status, the only things missing is her phone number and political and religious information. This means that she is an open person, but also precautions, she shares information about herself but not too much.

She has 960 friends! She must be very friendly person. Also have a lot of pictures. Looking at her pictures I can confirm that she’s an extrovert and very friendly person — lots of the photos are with friends and with groups of people. Then I can see that she likes traveling because there are lots of pictures from different locations of the world. That I can confirm with the part on Facebook “visited places”, where I can see all the places that she tagged in.

I scroll down to see what kind of interests does she have. There are lots of Woody Allen movies so I could say she has an alternative taste. Also her likes of lot’s of book titles show that she is educated person.

Her posts don’t show her emotional status but mostly are interesting articles, quotes, songs and pictures, which shows that she does’t like sharing her personal feeling with others, which implies on that she wants to keep her privacy. She doesn’t mind showing who she is, but she saves the best stuff for the friends. She seems a positive person that likes to entertain the people around her, because her posts are mostly orientated for others entertainment.

Also I observed the language used in the comments that she leaves on the posts. She uses informal but always grammatically correct language without using bad words. Well-educated person with good manners.

In conclusion I can say that I already feel like I know this girl and that I agree with the researcher of the social networks that nowadays you can find many more information about a person looking at his/hers Facebook profile than with months of friendship. People tend to share information about them but how do the others perceive that information. And the most important: are those informations real? Is it true that I ate cheesecake today if I posted a picture of it on Facebook? Or is it true that you like Harry Potter just because you pressed like on his fan page? True or false, this data collection makes the picture of us in the other’s eyes and normally people who share more information between themselves are becoming more friends. And perhaps I haven’t still met my brother’s girlfriend but I already have a positive picture of her in my head and she already has my approval.

