A Letter from Our Founder for Social Nature’s 6th Year Anniversary

People Ops at Social Nature
Social Nature
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2021


Annalea Krebs, Founder and CEO

There’s always this energy and a clear sense of direction whenever you start something new.

It could be a new job, company, or personal project.

I remember starting Social Nature 6 years ago with a very clear vision in my mind.

I knew that everyday choices can add up to a big impact.

What we eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner, what we clean our floors with, what we put on our skin, what we feed our pets, and so on.

It’s in every day that big change happens.

And so I wanted to help make it easier for people to choose healthy sustainable choices on their next shopping trip.

Even with this clear vision and sense of purpose, it can get lost in the busyness of the day-to-day of growing a company.

My recent trip to Cortes Island, a very beautiful and remote place, gave me space to be reflective.

Sailing across the open ocean, I felt inspired and remembered the original vision. And how far this company has come.

It’s been six amazing years. Full of change and evolutions. But the vision remains the same.

As I walk down my grocery store’s aisles, I see the hundreds of new healthier sustainable products we’ve helped launch into the marketplace.

I think about the millions of healthy and sustainable products people have tried through Social Nature and the many more millions of choices that we’ve influenced in the world through our members and clients sharing their online product reviews.

But we’re just getting started.

I didn’t just get an opportunity to reflect, I also got an opportunity to rejuvenate.

I’m so excited for what the future has in store for Social Nature and the social and environmental change we can create through the everyday choices people make.

We’re just getting started and won’t stop until every healthy sustainable choice is available for people to try on SocialNature.com

Yours for a sustainable future,

Annalea Krebs
Founder and CEO @socialnature

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People Ops at Social Nature
Social Nature

We’re dreaming of a world where natural products are the norm, not the exception.