Focusing on SEO and Social Media For Internet Marketing 

Is The Same As Flyers and Magazine Ads. How Online Marketing Should Be Done

Jonah Chew
Life Musings


SEO, Page Rank, Social Media… They are not the best way to do marketing online.

I don’t mean they are not important. They are important tools. What I mean is, too many people, marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners, bloggers, etc are focusing too much on them.

It is like focusing on magazine advertisements, billboards, flyers, brochures, etc..

There should be a good mix of online and offline marketing towards a brand or whatever that is being offered.

Right? Imagine if Nike were marketing their shoes during the pre-internet days, if all they did were to focus on buying magazine ads, flyers in the malls, and billboard ads for the sake of doing it, it wouldn’t succeed.

That is when new endorsement comes in, together with other type of marketing campaigns in hoping to make the shoe viral.

The idea is not the shoe. The idea is the design and function of the shoe. The marketing is the hype of the shoe.

When Vanilla Coke first came out, together with the different flavours of Coke, like Coke Lime and.. was it the lemon flavour? What went viral wasn’t just the ads.

The idea wasn’t that they are Coke in Vanilla and Coke with Lime. We had them all the while. We had Coke with float, so we had tasted Vanilla Coke for ages before it Vanilla Coke appeared in the market. People mixed Coke with different drinks to come up with different flavours, even before Coke introduced Coke Lime.

The idea was there were new flavours of Coke. The marketing is the hype of the new flavours.

The above 2 examples were from the pre-internet days. I remember them as they leave impressions in me as a kid. I still remember those ads.


Because they succeeded in making it stick in my mind. Through the different campaigns, ads, they stick in me. They got stuck, and so much so that when I thought of a fun soda, I think of Vanilla Coke, instead of a float, which basically tastes the same. Heck, a float tastes better!


So back to the initial topic, how should internet marketing be done?

Personally, it should have a good mix of online and offline marketing.

If it is an offline business, it doesn’t mean it cannot be online, and vice versa.

By a good mix, it shouldn’t be 50/50. It should depend on the nature of the business, product or service or brand or cause or whatever.

If the product is a news publication app , focus more online than offline.

If your business is a florist shop and you have an app, doesn’t it make sense to have both online and offline marketing? Because you want physical customers to walk in and purchase, as well as online purchases to cater to another pool of audiences!


Internet marketing should be done the same as offline marketing.

Stop focusing on SEO. Stop focusing on Google ads.

Stop having Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Blogs, Linkedin and many other social media.

Stop blasting sales promotion EDMs to boost sales.

Stop dwelling and spending so much time on unnecessary tools.

They are important, but may not be necessary.

If you’re a cafe, focus on making a good cup of coffee. Have walk in customers. Get them to refer more customers by good coffee and good service.

Then introduce them you have these social networks, to stay connected. To enrich them on coffee news. To update them of any new promotions.

That is when Facebook, Twitter, blog and e-mail comes in.

To connect to your fans and followers through social media.

To enrich to your fans and followers through blogs and articles.

To promote special promotions to your fans and followers through EDMs.

When these are in place, then start thinking of how to reach out to more people using online and offline marketing techniques.

This is when SEO and SEM comes in. Advertise in Facebook and Google.

Have banners and flyers around your cafe to promote. If you have higher budget, hire a chef or coffee gourmet to review it on a magazine or online magazine.

That is the perfect mix of both online and offline marketing. They should be together.

The Internet is great, it is a channel that has evolved so much since the first iteration. So much has changed.

But not the real essence of Marketing.

Check out ViralProverbs for more content on going Viral!

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