Education and it’s Affects

Brandon Braswell
Social Problems
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2022

One of the things I learned at a very early age was that college was expected out of everyone in my family. My mindset was that without going to college I would not be successful and excel in my career. As I have grown up I have realized that I could not have been more wrong. I have plenty of friends that are making great amounts of money by working blue collar jobs and just experience wise jobs without ever going to college. I am not saying that I regret college because I don’t, but I believe I could have made a successful career without college. One of my biggest problems with college is the life that students endure and how stressful school is on students. As a result of this stress we have seen nationwide suicide numbers increase and awareness is at an all time high. I have seen first hand that students are more depressed once they reach college and morale is at an all time low while in school. Another thing to mention is that college is not the only education system that produces these effects. Plenty of students in high school feel the same way about school so it should not be any surprise that college students are seeing the same emotions. A few of my friends that hated high school are now working full time and they love it. This just goes to show that my original thought about college being the only way to end up successful was very much wrong.

