
Grace Whittington
Social Problems
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2022


It can be easy growing up in wealthy areas to forget how grateful you should be for having a roof over your head. When I was younger my head was always filled with the idea that homeless people “didn’t work hard” or that they all did drugs and that if I didn’t stay in school that’s where I would end up. This kind of toxic stereotyping leads people not to want to pass laws to help the homeless. Also just leads to people not wanting to lend help to these people since “ they will just buy drugs or alcohol” with the money. Trouble with housing doesn’t even just apply to people who are homeless. So many people don’t realize how hard it is for people who aren’t born into money to support themselves and their family. It takes so much more hard work especially if they have to pay their way through school and end up having debt. Especially now with so much the gentrification of areas that used to have lower cost living opportunities and the rise of housing costs all over the U.S, it’s so hard for people to find housing within a reasonable price point that’s nice and is in a good area. Im hoping in the near future we can all work together to ensure that everyone has safe and nice housing.

