
Alana Malone
Social Problems
Published in
Oct 14, 2022

Youtube Video Link

The above link is to a NPR video about US Immigration and its past. Throughout the video, past policies are discussed that have been made to restrict immigration into the U.S. These policies were enacted for multitudes of different reasons, in different times, and many targeted specific people.

Some of the beginning policies of immigration and restrictions on what it is to be an American citizen can be seen in 1790, with the Naturalization Act.

Even immigration restrictions on European countries were obviously racially motivated. In 1924 the US passed certain immigration quotas from around the world, allowing different amounts of people from certain places to immigrate. The quotas for that of white, European countries were significantly higher than that of places like Asia and Africa. The restriction of immigration was seen throughout all countries, but restriction becomes oppression in certain countries.

