My Encounter with Replacement

tobi ojomo
Social Problems
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2022
Breaking the Chains of White Supermacy — Solveig Inga

I remember the consecutive terrorists attacks on mosques in New Zealand. 51 killed. The shooter’s manifesto had contained a white-nationalist ideal. The Replacement Theory. To summarize, the replacement theory is the idea that whites will be replaced as the majority as more and more immigrants come into countries. Many white nationalists equate this as some sort of “white genocide”. I couldn’t help but wonder where this idea of Replacement came from, and what exactly was their problems with being no longer the majority, you guys are still gonna be living your life as you would’ve.

Education and White Supremacy are very much tied together. It’s no secret to anyone (that’s not exactly true but go with it) that history in many public highschools are taught from a lens of white supremacy. It teaches many white students to disconnect those who don’t look the same as them, as many people in history who aren’t of white skin tone are seen as alien and/or less than those who don’t match the many white “heroes” we are taught to idolize. It teaches us to see 100% morally reprehensible things: Slavery, colonization, rape. (You name it, they probably did it) as necessary evils or acts that had to have happened for the “greater good of us all ‘’. The acts of these men are intrinsically good, even though they are morally wrong, because “look at where we are now, all of these need to happen or America wouldn’t be what it is right now!!!!”

This heavy idealization of white being the savior, who has to do these horrific acts in order to keep the world working the way it should be, can influence and empower the minds of certain people, which can lead into delusions of a savior complex, where these white supremacists are discriminating against others for the greater good of our society, to make sure our society survives the way it’s meant to be. Whites on top and others on the bottom.

How much in our country can be traced back to white supremacy? Even beyond a grand scheme institution lens. How much of our own nature when it comes to societal interactions can be seen as an influence of white supremacy?

