Spent Game

Nathan Stein
Social Problems
Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2022

As I played the “Spent” game I struggled, because I had to make very difficult decisions. I ran out of money on day 28 because it asked to get my dog surgery ($400), put it down ($50), or let the dog suffer. Even though it was a fake dog I could not bring myself to not pay for its surgery. But throughout the entire game I had to make tough decisions. For example I had to decide to wait to pay a bill because I could not pay for it, which caused the bill to be nearly triple the amount the next month. It made me realize how difficult it is for people to pay for certain necessities. It also made me realize how lucky I am to be in the financial state that my family is in. Because of the way I was raised, I did not have to worry about finances at a young age and never had to care for other family members. I loved the conversation we had that day because I was able to listen and learn about ways that other people had to deal with adversity throughout their lives.

