The Price of College Education

Sara Griggs
Social Problems
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2022

Getting a college education is seen as one of the most important things a young adult can do in their life. In fact to live a good life you almost have to get a college degree and ideally from a 4 year university that is known by most people. However, college is one of the most expensive things you can acquire. If you’re lucky maybe your parents are paying for your education, maybe you even get to have a car on campus and can eat everything except dining hall food. But most people don’t get this luxury. Some people are on loans, or grants, or scholarships that can get taken away as easily as they are given. Most people stress for years after they’ve graduated on how they are going to pay off the thousands of dollars they owe to these institutions. And I get it, what I get out of college is important and the people don’t work for free, but what I will never understand is why a text book for a class is $100 and there’s a good chance I won’t even use it or why I’m paying for 3 extra websites just so I can do my homework. College is important but sometimes you need to make sure that it’s worth your time and money for the goals you want to achieve in life.

