Mind your business, please!

Raj Tated
3 min readApr 15, 2017


Image credit- Felix Russell Saw

We all know that lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender are all members of the LGBT community, but my question is why are they separately classified as another community?

I mean they are just like us?


Just because their sexual orientation or sexual preference differ that doesn’t make them any less of humans.

Why does society strongly feel for feminism but lack the idea of being open to the LGBT community?

Or are we just plain hypocrites to support the fact that is favoring around us?

It is self-defeating to be born in an environment in which one can’t express their sexual desires.

As a man, I know how difficult it is for a feminist to get her view correct in our male dominant world, imagine the struggle these people go through to just be equally respected among-st us!

Image credit — unsplash.com

No, I am not a gay nor a bisexual but I strongly feel the need to support LGBT’s cause it is no one’s business to judge them on the basis of their sexual desires.

They don’t need your love all they want is to be accepted for who they choose to be.

If gender identity is what defines us then we are not progressive as we claim to be.

Yes, you are right if you think they don’t fit in, cause they don’t need to! They have accepted themselves for who they are and that means standing out of the crowd they are all okay with it cause they are not messed up like us, they have love and not hatred in their hearts.

Stop being an antagonist entity!

True equality will only exist when the same set of standards are applied, don’t provide them special privileges but don’t take away their basic privileges.

If we want our mindsets to change for them, it is important to engage with them in a meaningful but frank conversation and give them the right of freedom to be who they want to be or with whom they want to be.

It is 21st century people, it is about time to free our minds from narrow thinking.

Image credit: chiguy66

To all the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender,

Stop waiting for people’s validation, this society is going to take ages to understand your expression of love.

If they accuse you of being a criminal, no dear you aren’t doing a crime by expressing your sexual desires.

So be free, love freely and more power to you!

Yours sincerely,

Raj Tated

[Founder,TaTed Shoes ]

