Show star ratings in your product preview

Marine Levy Belder
Social Proof
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2017

96% of all products purchased have at least a 4-star rating

On most eCommerce sites, when customers hover over an item, they see a preview with more product information or a quick-buy option. But an even stronger way to catch a potential customer’s eye — and encourage their click — is by displaying the item’s star rating.

Showing a an item’s rating when customers hover over an image provides crucial information instantly. They can see how many people purchased and reviewed the product, as well as how liked the product is. The rating will either confirm a customer’s interest in a product or highlight an item they may have otherwise overlooked.

Customer reviews definitely matter for giving more in-depth opinions of the office, but star ratings are equally important.

96% of purchases are for products with 4- or 5-star ratings.

When customers engage with UGC (such as star ratings) throughout the purchasing journey, they convert at a 5.6% conversion rate.

As opposed to customers that don’t see UGC, who convert at 2.1%. That’s a 166% uplift!

Real Example

Purl Lamb shows star ratings when customers hover over their collection of adorable baby hoodies. Parents are extra picky when it comes to purchases for their children, and seeing that other parents purchased a certain product — and were happy with it — builds trust and helps the complete their purchase.

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