5 Blockchain Applications That Can Transform An Enterprise

Social Ripe
Social Ripe
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2018
Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies are presently energizing new options to traditional money. Banking without boarders, exchange systems and techniques, which are not just changing how we deal with financial transactions, but also additional elective uses that will transform the universe. As we would see it, it will even transform the way that you maintain your business daily and the following applications will make you understand why.

Brilliant Contracts

The term ‘brilliant contract’ was first coined in 1993; however, it has recently become an occurring term because of the 2013 arrival of the Ethereum Project. The Project “is a decentralized platform that operates brilliant contracts: softwares that run as customized with no plausibility of downtime, restriction, misrepresentation or outsider impedance.”

Chris DeRose stated on American Banker, ‘brilliant contracts’ are “self-mechanized PC applications that can complete the terms of any agreement.” generally; “it is a monetary security kept in escrow by a system that is directed to beneficiaries in light of future developments, and PC code.” Businesses will have the capacity to utilize ‘brilliant contracts’ to sidestep expensive controls and “lower the expenses for a subset of our most regular money related exchanges.” What is more, the best part is that these agreements will be incorruptible.

Organizations like Bloom, and SALT Lending, which are Ethereum-powered Internet platforms, utilize these softwares to enable clients to agree mutual contractual terms once all the parties involved in the agreement have finalized the terms.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage is another innovation that organizations can exploit. Storj, is one such organization that is putting forth cloud storage that is secure and decreasing dependency. The creator of Storj, Shawn Wilkinson revealed to VentureBeat that “Just by making use of the excess space on a hard drive, clients could store the conventional cloud as much as 300 times,” similar to how you can lease your home or room on Airbnb. Wilkinson additionally stated, “Considering the world spend as much as $22 billion + on securing cloud storage alone, this could open an income stream for regular clients, while fundamentally cutting the cost to store information for organizations and individual clients.”

Production network Communications and Proof-of-Provenance

Phil Gomes on Edelman Digital said, “The majority of the things we purchase aren’t made by a solitary element, but by a chain of providers who offer their segments (e.g., wood for paper) to an organization that sells and markets the last item. The issue with this framework is that when one of these segments comes up short, ‘the brand takes the burn of the kickback.’” Using blockchain innovation and solutions would “proactively provide stable, review capable records that show partners the condition of the item at each stage.”

SkuChain and Provenance are only two cases of organizations that are trying to solve these issues.

Employees salary payments

Since blockchain has its underlying foundations in digital currency, it bodes well that it could be utilized as software to remunerate workers. Weiss Geoff told the Entrepreneurthat “If your organization frequently sends out payments to worldwide specialists, consolidating Bitcoin into the finance procedure could be a noteworthy cost saver.” Some research reveals that multi-billion corporations such as KPMG have already started to look into these areas of possibility.

Electronic Voting

BitShares, an internationally distributed database, says, “Designated Proof of Stake (DPOS) is the speediest, most productive, most decentralized, and most adaptable consensus model accessible.” BitShares further stated:

“DPOS use the energy of partner approval voting to determine agreement issues in a reasonable and impartial way. All system parameters, from expense calendars to block interims and exchange sizes, can be tuned by chosen delegates”

Other similarly notable projects are Decred, with their POA (Proof-of-Activity) consensus and Bloom, as mentioned above, are using the “Bloom Protocol” to solve credit problems in decentralized manner.

Originally published at socialripe.com on June 26, 2018.

