Instagram Stories opens up to ALL content, regardless of when you created it

Eva Bianka Zu Beck
Social Speak
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2017

You might argue it’s a move that takes away from the spontaneity of Insta Stories, but really, Instagram’s newest development makes our lives a lot easier. Users are now able to upload photos and videos of any age to Stories — meaning that there’s no more pressure to share your content within 24h of its creation.

As you open up your Library, it will no longer show a limited stream of recent content at the bottom of your screen. What appears now is your complete Library, showing content in a reverse-chronological order:

My personal feed — hi!

This development could lead to better, more thought-through Stories from users, as narratives become less about the “here and now”, and more about the flow and purpose of the narrative itself. However, could Stories, a fast-growing, super-engaged product, also lose its edge as a result?

Time will tell. But for now, don’t worry about time.


Follow @CultureTrip & our Stories on Instagram for inspiration from all around the world.



Eva Bianka Zu Beck
Social Speak

[ey-va] born in Poland, raised in UK. Travel Content Producer, ex-VP Social @CultureTrip. I mostly find myself bursting with thought.