LinkedIn now lets you upload native video

Eva Bianka Zu Beck
Social Speak
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2017

And finally, Microsoft is catching up with the times by letting users upload video natively to LinkedIn.

In case you’re wondering, users could previously watch video on the platform, but it would have had to be hosted on a third party platform like YouTube.

Users can now record and upload video straight from their phones.

LinkedIn is also releasing some audience insights to go with the videos and help users refine their strategies, including:

  • top viewer companies
  • top viewer titles
  • top viewer locations
  • the number of views, likes, and comments for each video

On that note, we’re gearing up to do some video work on our Culture Trip LinkedIn, so don’t forget to check it out when it’s live.



Eva Bianka Zu Beck
Social Speak

[ey-va] born in Poland, raised in UK. Travel Content Producer, ex-VP Social @CultureTrip. I mostly find myself bursting with thought.