Group 4 — Concept for Augmenting Peer to Peer Connection in an Inclusive Space.

Apoorva Shetty
Social Sustainability & Design
3 min readFeb 23, 2018

The system we have envisioned intends to augment the peer to peer interactions within an inclusive space like school. This system works in collaboration with NGOs to provide inclusive schools with the knowledge, resources and the expertise needed to enhance the experiences of children studying, in order to ensure growth and continuity of education through their lives.

How might we fuse this into the current systems, enabling them to co-create and self-sustain?

Process followed in the proposed system.

3 majors offerings of the system :

Major offerings by the system

Buddy Concept :

Students form buddy groups wherein students from different grades can come together and interact with each other.This can be a space where they can share their problems and experiences.

  • Buddy groups, consisting of 5–6 older students or peers from the same class.
  • Engaging with the students and helping them with activities.
  • Making sure that the kid is not bullied or excluded from the activities.


  • Buddy can only be assigned for the activities within school.
  • Buddy can’t take the sole responsibility of CwD.


  • Buddy Co-operation
  • Buddy burdened with responsibilities.
  • Child with disability might be bullied within the group.
  • Trusting abled kids and teachers to take care of the children with disability.


Workshops for various extra curricular activities which would provide children with a space for exploration and experimentation.

This model would be non-graded so that students can come out of their competitive mode and learn more from their peers by indulging in group activities.

This workshop would consist of projects / activities would be designed by dedicated coordinators and volunteers with the intention for creating a space where all students can engage irrespective of their abilities.This would be a space for them to co create.

Some of the themes of the workshop could be:

  • The idea of tactile projects to involve everyone’s participation and make learning inclusive.
  • Peer sensitization to make the children with disability empathatic towards the children with disability
  • Communication training to help them express and engage.


  • It would require more resource to conduct the workshops.
  • Workshop has to be incorporated without affecting the curriculum.


  • Increase load on facilitators.
  • Distract children from regular classes.

Events and Exhibits:

The events involve various school in the network to host events where students display their talent and also form network with other students beyond school too.

This can be in the form of events, trips and camps. This way children can bond with other children outside the school as well. This can instil in them a sense of independence and confidence and make them feel included.


  • It would require more trained resources
  • Parental consent


  • It would burden people facilitating the camp with responsibility and this might lead to drop in motivation.
  • Concern of safety for kids.

SWOT Analysis of the proposed system

SWOT Analysis of the proposed system

To communicate the working of the proposed system, we have depicted the gist of our concept through a stop-motion video.

