Group 5 — Design and Envision Accessible Transportation for People with Disabilities

Sneha Munot
Social Sustainability & Design
13 min readFeb 18, 2018

As part of Service & Experience design workshop, we were given a design brief by our facilitator Naveen to design and envision a sustainable livelihood platform for people with disabilities. Our group includes Parth Khandekar, Sneha Munot, Somya Sagarika, Syiam Dhingra from Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology and Aditi gupta from IIIT Bangalore. This work is part of first week of workshop “Mapping & Seeing”. We as a team focused on accessible transportation for people with disabilities, where we have looked at existing service and systems, user journeys, policies, touch-points and identified gaps in current system.

Design Brief

Life journey of a Person with Disability. Source: Enable India

Design brief intent to understand the current life-journey, and select one of the stages / doors. Unpack and map the service-system around the specific stage, find stakeholders, and gaps in the system. Formulate a design vision through service and experience design thinking to enable a sustainable system addressing the gaps of the chosen stage. Explore conceptually the role of digital platforms to enable and sustain such system.

Life journey of PwD’s designed by organization Enable India gave us an overview of challenges faced at different stages. Organization has done an incredible work in the field education and learning of PwD’s. A well defined learning structure, months of training, backed by technology has made several PwDs employable.

We identified ‘Accessible transportation’ for PwDs as a key area specially since it was complementary to Enable India’s work on education and learning of PwD’s. We decided to deep dive and address the specific challenges in ‘Reaching place of education’ to add value to the overall journey of PwDs who are in pursuit of education. Our attempt will be to broaden the scope of this project in future by applying and extending our understanding to the larger problem of commute for PwDs.

Mapping & Seeing

Understanding Current Policies and Systems

Policies and Current System Mapping
Modes of Transport and Journey Mapping


This activity focused on identifying the types of disabilities under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2016”. We identified modes of transportation and various services currently working under it.


To understand whether the current system is catering to needs of all the disabilities under the act.

  1. People with disability are currently commuting using various mode of transportation?
  2. What are the challenges faced by them at various level?
  3. What works have been done so far at transportation level for PwDs.
  4. What are the different products available in the markets which support the users to use the public transport system?


This activity helped us in identifying accessibility and space standards for inclusive transportation system. Existing product based solutions caters to only a specific set of disabilities and hence are not inclusive in nature.


User Story and Policies Mapping


User- Wheelchair bound

Background- While going to college one day he met with an accident and lost his leg. He is wheelchair bound now and commutes college everyday using metro.

Description- User’s cousin drops him everyday at metro station gate, from their he travels on his own. At entry gate a security personnel accompanies him till the point he boards.

Intentions- Key focus of the activity was to understand the challenges faced by user on day to day basis.

  1. What are key touch-points during the journey?
  2. What are the different parameters he has to keep in mind to reach on time?
  3. What could lead to increase in travel time?
  4. At what points metro infrastructure plays a role in the journey?
  5. At policy level what has been implemented and what has not been implemented?
Touch Point Mapping

Experience Mapping

In experience mapping we identified moments of the tasks, captured experience in order to understand what they are perceiving. To make sense out of task we identified emotion behind each interaction to highlight problems and opportunities.


  1. Accessibility during peak hours. During peak hours it is difficult to find accessible area inside the train. They are in continuous fear of being pushed behind while trying to get in.
  2. No guiding paths inside metro. Unavailability of guiding path do not cater to the accessibility needs of PWDs.
  3. Website/App Accessibility. Both Website and App of metro doesn’t have information on accessibility guidelines and facilities available for PWDs.
  4. Ticket Counter. Ticket counter not being accessible from seating height may increase in travel time.


Employee sensitization plays a critical role in accessible transportation for PwDs. It requires state to train employees to enable them to meet the needs of the disabled. Appointing special guides and assistants for helping the disabled can also enhance the overall experience. Not having proper signage and voice feedback can lead to increase in travel time.


There are a few types of disabilities which in-spite of it presence allows a person to drive their own vehicles. These types of disabilities are:

  1. Physically disabled
  2. Hearing impaired
  3. Learning disability


User Journey


Tri-Cycle is one of the commonly owned personal vehicle among PWDs. It is economically friendly and requires less maintenance.This journey includes getting access to cycle from home and getting it in the drive mode, driving on roads along with other vehicles, use of shared space in an institution and reaching to the classroom.

Touchpoints and Gaps

Those people who own this vehicle are self reliant to drive the vehicle. But looking at such products from user’s perspective, we still see the gap which can be fulfilled by better product design.

The behavior of the product, the system and the environment impacts the transportation. This generates different experiences and emotions for the person.


  1. No sign boards or safe lanes for him to ride his tricycle.
  2. Safety is being compromised, strength and body movements are limited to certain extent.
  3. Dedicated parking. Park his cycle into the shared space. This impacts his emotions when he could see other bikes which are of superior quality.
  4. Limited models of the tri-cycle.
  5. Reaching to the classroom from the area of parking without taking someone else’s help.


User journey

This is more expensive than the tricycle not just in the basic cost but also according to the other costs like maintenance. But it also asks for lesser physical work from the user while on the run. The necessary modifications are done by the vehicle company on request.

The journey map shows the journey of a college student from his house to the college. Here we can see that they have comparatively easier task of driving. But then the safety is compromised on different level as it is faster vehicle with higher chance of going off balance.

Touchpoints and Gaps


  1. Getting the license. The physical condition of every individual varies and hence the abilities and the inabilities. But at the time of application for license, mostly their condition is generalized.
  2. The other aspects are road infrastructure, sign boards, safety features in the vehicle.


User journey

This is the third and most expensive choice of the personal vehicle for the PWDs. PWDs with these disability and/or others in combination can drive the car. The modifications need to be made as defined.

This is probably the safer choice of vehicle for the PWDs as the safety features can be included in the car, and as it is modified according to their physical condition.

Touchpoints and Gaps


  1. The entire process of getting the car assembled catering to the individual’s need and the registration is complicated and expensive.
  2. To get the driver’s license, the process is difficult.
  3. Awareness of the benefits.As this vehicle is Invalid Carriage, PWDs can get 50% reduction in own damage premium.


The choice of personal vehicle works for those who can afford it. Here we see three different levels of expenditures and the possibilities associated with them.

Now focusing on only one activity which is going to the college from home and back, traveling alone would work only for the specific group of individuals. The safety, the inclusion of those individuals and the environmental issues will still be present.


Journey map of the student traveling with auto rickshaw.


This is the transportation system which has been there for years. This is one of the convenient modes of transportation. But is the case same for the PWDs?The journey above shows the PWD trying to get an auto to reach his college.

Touchpoints and Gaps for the Auto Rickshaw

In this diagram we can see the gaps in this system. The fact that this system can be used by people with a wider set of inabilities makes it more complicated. Hence the system has different touchpoints leading to the different sets of emotions.

Experience Mapping

User- 3 blind people

Background- They are visually impaired by birth, live together and commute to college using an auto rickshaw.

Intention- The key focus of the activity was to understand the challenges faced by the trio on the day to day basis.

1.What are the touch-points?

2. What are the different parameters they have to keep in mind to reach on time?

3.What could lead to increase in travel time?

4. The environmental impact on their journey and the opportunities.

Experience Map For Auto


  1. Insufficient Space: Though this is the most affordable vehicle there isn’t enough space for people with physical disability.
  2. Extra Charges: Since it is not possible for the visually impaired to understand the meter reading, often they have to pay more or fight for the right price.
  3. Limitations of App Based Services: Often it happens that it is not easy for the users to use the applications and they struggle with the usability of the app. Also not all of them have awareness about it.


Bengaluru population uses cabs as one of the means of transport to commute to their daily scheduled destinations . Uber , Ola and Meru are the most popular service providers currently in Bengaluru. With the implication of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2016 and also the growing disabled population these service providers have started launching specialized services for them and some new players like Kickstart cabs have launched their services in the market.

So as a group we looked into these services and tried to find gaps in the existing system.

Services offered by Meru Cabs

Mapping offerings by Meru Enable

Services offered by Uber

Mapping offerings by Uber India


  1. Uber has two key offerings to cater to the disabled population in Bengaluru . It offers Uber Access and Uber Assist options .
  2. UberASSIST is an option for those who require additional assistance such as senior citizens and people with accessibility needs, including those who may just feel more comfortable with extra assistance when getting from door-to- door uberACCESS is a forward-facing wheelchair accessible product. This option offers 50 retrofitted vehicles, with heightened roof and hydraulic wheelchair lift on-demand.

The above two descriptions are based on the information given on Uber India

Services Offered by Kickstart Cabs

Mapping offerings by Kickstart cabs

The above map shows a journey when a disabled person in Bengaluru books a cab through the Mobile Application service provided by Kickstart cabs.

Journey Mapping

After mapping the most widely used cab transportation systems we starting putting it altogether in order to make sense of what will happen when a disabled college student will book a cab in order to reach the place of education.

Journey and stakeholder mapping



  1. The service offered charges minimum Rs 200 for 4 km and thereafter the charges are on per km basis which is quite uneconomical for the college
  2. Also these services are not available in all regions of Bengaluru yet which poses a hindrance to students living in other areas.
  3. Right now these services considers only a small set of disabled persons majorly visually impaired, wheelchair bound and Deaf .
  4. The service is still unreachable to a large chunk of other disabled people.
  5. Kickstart cabs does not take responsibility for any health emergencies or concerns of the passengers traveling with them.


  1. The Responsibility of an accessible transportation system does not end with reaching the doors of the place of education. Reaching to the classroom is in itself a major task for a disabled person so who should take the responsibility of it is a question that needs to be asked out loud , it can be either the service provider or either the stakeholders of the
    system of the place of education.
  2. Unless and Until the service is not economical for students it is not
    sustainable and also the service is not at all inclusive as it has been designed specially for a “certain group of people” which is far from the principle of inclusion in a society.


User Journey


Our research consists secondary data collection where we tried to understand that how does the College bus and BMTC system works for PwD’s. Then the research was mapped into user journeys, touch-points, existing system mapping and experience mapping.

User Journey

In this, secondary research was done considering different types of users and how they access it. Users with physical disability, cerebral palsy and visually impaired were our main concern. We tried to understand how PwD college students commute, what are the challenges and problems they come across to reach their final destination.


  1. Ramps connecting the roads and footpaths are uneven making it hard for the wheelchair users to access it.
  2. It is very hard for physically disabled users to get in and get out of the bus in the peak hour.
  3. The bus drivers are very impatient with PwD usually leaving them behind.
  4. There is no space for the wheelchair users to fit themselves inside the bus.


After collecting the data on problems and challenges, we realized that the main gap is in the infrastructure of public transport which does not make it accessible for PwD. Also, it is very important to sensitize the drivers, conductors and people around and educate them about this issue.

Touch-Point Mapping

Touchpoint mapping

If we want to improve interactions of PwD passengers and transport system for their accessibility the key starting point is to understand what those interactions are, where they take place and what is going wrong. Without that understanding it would be impossible to measure any improvements or to see if there are any changes which are need to be done. So here, we mapped out the touch-points to identify the gaps between PwD college students and product or service they are using.

System/service mapping

We mapped out and explored the existing system/service which is helping out the PwD to travel through the public transport.

What does the current system do?

Accessible Auroville project is basically a Tata CityRide Marcopolo bus with 12 seats which was taken to Karur district of Tamil Nadu, where vehicles can be customized. There they got a double door entrance installed at the rear of the bus. Then they took it to Chennai to get a platform with a lift installed at that door, for wheelchairs etc. to be moved into the bus. Some seats inside the bus have been removed to make place for wheelchair users.


  1. This service mainly concentrates on wheelchair users.
  2. It does not operate in Bangalore yet which means there is lack of awareness of new technology that can make life of differently abled people a bit easier.

Experience Mapping

With the help of our secondary data, we mapped out the experience of college student who is traveling to the college with his crutches.


This activity helped us understand that employee and people sensitization plays a critical role in accessible transportation for PwDs. Also, bus stops should have a proper queue so that PwDs do not get pulled back.


After analysing the gaps and having a fair understanding on current systems, most of the services which are there right now are not pwd friendly. Even though they are considered universal, they are not inclusive.Not just the services as a product but also the infrastructure or the environment around the services needs to be changed. Inclusive transportation policies have been made but are currently not in practice. And we need one system design which will bring all these services together and will allow them to work in synchronization.

