Weekly Inquiry Questions

Week 3 Jan 24


Based on the coursework that you completed this week respond to the following prompts listed below with a question or appropriate response. (in no less than two sentences).

#1. What do you think?

#2. Why do you think that?

#3. How do you know this?

#4. Can you tell me more?

#5. What questions do you still have?

Think beyond the concepts or principles you have learned.

Create you own thought-provoking ideas or hypothetical situations. You should use application words (divergent thinking, predicting, and hypothesizing) in your question response: such as imagine, plan, evaluate, judge, predict, extrapolate, invent, speculate, generalize, extrapolate, modify, create, justify, reconstruct, apply a principle, and reorganize.



Social Welfare Policy Weekly Inquiry Questions

What is policy? Social Welfare Policy? Policy is what we do. Policy is what we do on a day to day basis with regards to programs people and institutions.