Now’s the Time to Build Assets

SocialBee Thoughts
Published in
8 min readApr 28, 2020

In the always surprising marketing scene, businesses make large investments in building powerful content marketing programs. But in times of crisis, it may be hard for businesses and marketers to know where to begin. In just a few short weeks, people have shifted into protection mode, focusing on themselves, their families, their employees, their customers, and their communities.

So why should you be on the lookout for putting together assets even during trying times?

Content marketing has been proven to deliver resounding success since investing in high-quality content creation translates to higher ROI. And this asset will yield results even after you’ve stopped actively investing in it, especially when creating evergreen content.

As one of the most effective methods of growing audience engagement, developing your brand presence, and driving sales, investing in content marketing is a critical growth method for most businesses.

Below, let’s briefly review content marketing, specifically the benefits of producing consistent, high-quality content, and why now is the best time to build your assets, such as content marketing.

Why Is Content Marketing Important In Trying Times

Constant, high-quality, and engaging content influences the decision-making of audiences more than any other method. Why? Because it also strengthens the relationship with the customers, showing your audience you care, and thus keeping them interested long term.

Consistency in brand messaging is one of the various factors that decide the growth and success of your business. A brand that captivates the masses is a brand that knows how to portray their brand consistently and at every customer touchpoint.

The same reasoning applies to content marketing — your content needs to carry a unique and identifiable voice, style, and pitch across all distribution channels, helping you revamp your marketing funnel, from your website to newsletter or sales emails.

Consistent customer experience is what makes the difference between a brand and a trusted brand in the eye of the public. This is where the foundation of a successful loyalty program among your prospects can be built.

Also, a study by McKinsey & Company explains how consistency is the secret component in making customers satisfied across their entire journey with your business. How does this interest the business owner? The longer potential or long-established customers stick by you, the more chances you get to come up with new products or services to diversify your business as you figure out how to respond to new interests generated by new contexts. Much like the entire coronavirus situation has inspired many to do.

Content consistency establishes your credibility, builds trust in your business, and strengthens your reputation. And a good reputation establishes powerful networks. Additionally, your customers are more inclined to trust you if they view you as an industry expert.

Your content should demonstrate your expertise in your field and provide valuable answers to your audience’s questions.

So, we know the content you create has to be consistent. Nevertheless, why is content marketing so advantageous in the first place? Here are the main benefits of content marketing:

Benefits of Content Marketing In Time Of Crisis

Content marketing is valuable because in its essence it is built to answer your audience’s questions. With content marketing, you can build trust with your audience through the use of multiple channels, improve conversions, connect with your customers, and generate leads. Additionally, however, in today’s age, customers demand high-quality, consistent content from their preferred brands.

1. Increase audience retention.

Great content is an important asset. It has the ability to create a positive experience for your potential customers and compel them to come back for more. It’s your ticket to capturing your audience’s attention and continually reinforcing a positive brand impression.

2. Better social media traction.

It’s one thing to boost the number of social media followers across channels, and it’s quite a different one to create content that trends and matters. If you’re one of those businesses that doesn’t see much traction despite having a huge follower base, it’s time to use content marketing to your advantage. Quality content can help your business gain traction on social media.

3. Establish trust with your audience.

Creating content helps your business build a relationship with your audience. You can answer their questions and interact with your customers. When you produce value without asking anything in return, your audience is more inclined to trust your advice and recommendations.

Ultimately, when your content shows up at the right place and the right time with the right audience, it’ll improve your brand’s reputation. Having a flawless social media presence will help you better connect with the audience. The higher quality content customers notice, the more inclined they are to have a positive association with your company. If you want to build an amazing social media presence, check out our Social Media Specialist Concierge service.

4. Generate leads.

Content marketing can also generate leads. When your audience views your content, they’re more likely to be interested in purchasing from you in the future. Additionally, calls-to-action (CTA) placed directly in your content can generate new leads for your sales team.

So, how can content generate leads?

Content can be a great way to guide users to a landing page. Typically, you produce content to provide users with useful, free information. You can include compelling CTAs anywhere in your content. The more fascinated a visitor is with your content, the more inclined they are to click your call-to-action and move onto your landing page.

5. Improve conversions.

The content you post influences conversions. Customers are more likely to purchase from you once they’ve engaged with your content. High-quality, consistent content helps your audience connect with you and gives them the information they need to make an educated purchasing decision. The slight doubt they had about purchasing your service can be eradicated with an in-depth article explaining the many benefits such service would bring to potential customers.

Additionally, your content should always include a CTA to guide your reader on what they should do next.

Overall, content marketing is important. But, how can you be successful at it? The answer is by building your assets while always being fully aware of the context in which you are putting together your framework. And, below we tackled a few methods you can implement, starting today, even with a worldwide crisis situation going on.

How Can You Build Your Assets With Content Marketing

The more you focus on evergreen content creation and provide more consistent, high-quality content, the better it’ll be for your SEO efforts, helping your business become more visible. With a developed content strategy your content should help you rank higher in search engines.

But all your efforts may be futile if you are not committed to constantly building your assets during these trying times so that you can reap the outcomes of a successful content marketing strategy in the long term.

Practice brand awareness

Brand awareness is so important because consumers are much more likely to purchase from brands they recognize and trust. When people are aware of your brand, it also secures your position in your industry.

Strong content enables you to show your prospects who your company is and what your brand represents. Share the details about your company that make it clear what sets you apart from others in your industry and show potential customers why they should choose you over your competitors.

In this case, newsletters, sales emails, and staying active on social media ensure that your client base is always in the loop with your business initiatives, whether they are offers, discounts, or new projects. This technique will surely increase your client retention rate.

Improve your internal processes

Starting your content marketing strategy from scratch can be of tremendous help since besides the good ROI you’re envisioning, it can also result in newly-established processes and useful checklists that you can benefit from going forward.

Also, improving your content marketing roadmap or investing in an exhaustive brief will give your content marketing strategy the boost it needs in times of crisis, while at the same time planting the seeds for future positives outcomes.

Gather reviews for your website

In a society that pays attention to reviews, every business aspires to five-star ratings on their products or services. Reviews give useful information on product quality not only for potential clients but for business owners as well.

Reviews can also inspire and shape up your content marketing strategy. The topics for content creation can be challenging, so why not use the user-generated content being handed to you already?

Train your employees

Content marketing goes way beyond increasing consumer interest in your brand. Used correctly, it can be leveraged as a tool to accomplish employee training and transform staff members into much-needed brand advocates.

From shareable online content to educational webinars, a precise content marketing strategy will encourage employees to convert other consumers onto their brands.

Look for better experts

Because there are new marketing tactics popping up every other week, it can be tough for busy entrepreneurs to stay on top of the latest trends, figure out the best ways to use different platforms, and become a master in every area of copywriting. You can do that with the help of this free Guide, Copywriting for Social Media.

Hiring now a team of experts to manage the more technical aspects of your marketing strategy allows you to focus on other areas of your business that you enjoy and do best, rather than waste weeks or months trying to decide upon the right person to hire and train. During times of crisis, this approach will put you in a better negotiation position.

Bottom Line

Creating a content marketing strategy is one of the most important steps you can take for your future business endeavors. To do so, take an audit of your current content, as it is something that the slower pace of business these days allows and figure out what works for you.

And if you don’t have the time or don’t know exactly how to start building your content marketing assets, our Concierge Content Writing service can help with that.

Unstable as the circumstances may be around the globe, we can’t hold our breath forever. Not personally, nor professionally. Even in the midst of a crisis, marketing will go on to find other relevant ways of shaping itself. In many cases, how businesses interact with the wider world is more important than ever. We need to offer reassurance, deliver mission-critical information to customers so that when this is all over we can hit the ground at a full sprint ahead.

No reason to stay uninformed and in doubt about what your next steps should be, book a free call with us here and we’ll tell you more about how to use your content to your greatest advantage.



SocialBee Thoughts

SocialBee offers Tools, Training, and Teams, to help Companies get More Leads with Less Effort.