My draft SDA January newsletter

Theo Chino
Social Democrats
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024

Dear Comrades,

Wow again! The first month of 2024 is gone, just like that, and the presidential election is over. Everyone bailed.

Running for office for real is hard!

When it comes to SDA, its goal is to train candidates to run for Democratic Precinct Committee as Socialist, that is it. Each SDA member’s task is recruiting activists to run for those supposedly meaningless positions (that is what liberals tell us to make sure we don’t participate.)

If a comrade wants to run, we will not stop them as campaigns are suitable for training, and recruiting for the Precinct Committee is their job.

American politics is setups like Odyses, and any candidate is Ulysses traveling through the territory of “the Sirens[,] creatures often depicted as half-woman, half-bird, who lured sailors to the rocky cliffs of their island home with beguiling voices which no man was able to resist.”

Change doesn’t require money; it just requires a team of Socialists to run for those precinct positions. Sailors on the trip get mad when they feel I foiled their strategies with the excuse that if they get elected, they will do so much for the movement that we must back them up with everything we have.

It’s a number game, and the only benchmark is how many Precinct Committee members you recruited and retained cycle after cycle.

I know my number, do you know yours?

The content of this newsletter

  • The national Zoom meeting is on February 7th at 9 p.m. East / 6 p.m. West
  • We need to get people to understand civics
  • Michael Harrington with a 2024 voice-over
  • The Remarque Institute published every video from the Future of Social Democracy
  • Draft AOC 2028 as a New Logo

The national Zoom meeting is on February 7th at 9 p.m. East / 6 p.m. West.

We need to get people to understand civics.

We need some money to get the documentary COUNTY on PBS:

If you have not seen it, check it out and share it across your network. This is the basis of transforming the United States.

Michael Harrington with a 2024 voice-over.

It is a remake of the Michael Harrington speech where we changed a few names, such as Reagan with Trump.

It seems that in the United States, what Mike Harrington described in the pre-1984 Democratic Convention is still valid today.

The Remarque Institute published every video from the Future of Social Democracy.

This conference is exciting because it gives an outside and academic perspective of our collective work.

Part 1, The Future of Social Democracy

Stephanie Mudge (UC Davis) on “The Commodification of Social Democracy”

Paolo Gerbaudo (Complutense University of Madrid) “Social Democracy and the Return of State Interventionism”

James Stafford (Columbia University) on “Social Democracy and the Fear of the Future”

Part 2, The Future of Social Democracy

Clara Mattei, The New School, on “Austerity and the Economic Levers of Control”

Pavlos Yeroulanos, Greek MP with PASOK, on “Today, Just Wealth Distribution Requires Radical Power Redistribution”

Part 3, The Future of Social Democracy

Sandrine Kott, University of Geneva, on “Social Democracy and Social Justice”

Ivana Bacik, Labour TD for Dublin Bay South, on “A Social Democratic Model of Care: Perspectives from Ireland”

Part 4, The Future of Social Democracy

Isabella Weber, UMass Amherst, on “Economic Disaster Preparedness in Times of Overlapping Emergencies: Towards a New Stabilization Paradigm.”

Branko Milanovic, CUNY Graduate Center, on “Recent Changes in Global Income Distribution and their Political Implications.”

Paul Magnette, Mayor of Charleroi and President of the Belgian Socialist Party, on “Can Ecosocialism Save the World– Or at Least the Left?”

Part 5, The Future of Social Democracy

Maria Joāo Rodrigues, President of FEPS, on “The Future of Social Democracy and Multilevel Politics.”

Andrew Seaton, University of Oxford, on “The National Health Service and the Endurance of Social Democracy.”

Part 6, The Future of Social Democracy

Jenny Andersson, Uppsala University, on “The Political Thought of Balancing Capitalism.”

Patrick Weil, Yale Law School, on “Social Democracy or Social Darwinism: Which Future for the World?”

Rui Tavares, MP of Portuguese Parliament, on “Objects of Political Desire: The Past & Future of the Political Left.”

Draft AOC 2028 as a New Logo.

It seems that the 2024 cycle is over, and we now need to prepare for the 2028 cycle in finding the perfect Socialist candidate.



Theo Chino
Social Democrats

Bitcoiner, Activist - Doesn’t matter if your are from the Right or the Left; running does.