My draft SDA March newsletter

Theo Chino
Social Democrats
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2024

Dear Comrades,

This month, there won’t be a newsletter because I am cleaning the mailing list. It’s essential to have the cleanest mailing list as too many of my emails are treated as spam, so I need to clean the mailing list aggressively.

SDA has a great future, but it will only happen if we know what we stand for. As you can see, I have to use my personal email to send it out.

I posted four different European manifestos on the website In the United States, the ideas contained in those four manifestos are considered Progressive.

I understand that you will agree with many of the action items across the manifestos, but the goal is to force you to make an ideological choice because you can’t have it all. If you agree with the Socialist & Democrats platform, then the choice is clear.

The Swiss socialists wrote the resolution attached to this email, calling for every Swiss to mobilize their European residents. The same argument is valid for us in the United States. We must mobilize the European resident population in the US to vote for their PES candidates.

Please join us on our next Zoom on first first Wednesday of the month at 9 pm Eastern.

In Solidarity,
Hasta la victoria, ¡siempre!



Theo Chino
Social Democrats

Bitcoiner, Activist - Doesn’t matter if your are from the Right or the Left; running does.