My draft SDA May newsletter

Theo Chino
Social Democrats
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2024

Dear Comrades,

Last month, I opened my newsletter with two gruesome numbers, but what disturbed me is that one Israeli life is worth more than one Palestinian life. Every life is priceless.

Before I comment on the European countries that joined the 145 countries that recognize Palestine, I will talk about the status of SDA and the Future of Social Democracy in the United States.


Socialism doesn’t get built on Twitter but by having a monthly meeting where we strategize on how to get our socialist comrades elected.

Every month, I will organize two Socialists meeting, a local in-person one in my city, and a national zoom until the organization grows. I will continue to participate to International events where I will meet other socialists and give them a run down of the Socialist situation in the United States.

One thing that is clear is that we are the Socialist Faction inside the Democratic Party. We are Democrats who believe in Social Democracy.

But the Democratic Party will not become Social Democratic until we, Socialists, get together and get elected County Chair. We won’t get elected County Chair until we meet once a month to plan how we will get elected County Chair of our local Democratic party.

I will sit alone on my Zoom until people show up and help make AOC a viable presidential candidate, Tax the Rich campaigns happen all over the USA, or something else, nothing will happen.

Pedro Sanchez (Spain) and Jonas Gahr Støre (Norway) are elected Socialists, and Ireland is a right-wing coalition that includes the Green Party. Netanyahu will brand everyone who is not with him as a Terrorist.

The question of Israel has always been part of the Socialist framework, and reading the 1936 French Socialist Congress minutes, the Jewish question is brought up as the Palestinian question is done today.

The Oslo Accords were in 1993. Thirty years later, a new generation is tired of waiting. Treating young humans like treating dogs in the Middle Ages doesn’t require a PhD to know what will ultimately happen.

In our inner cities, we call it a crime; in the Middle East, we call it terrorism; and in Central America, we call it war against drugs.

We leftists, when in power, will do what needs to be done to bring well-being around the world.

AOC Legal Challenge to knock her the Working Families Party line

It can’t be the only time a discussion with Social Democratic groups happens when I decide to use legal means.

They claim to be socialists and yet refuse to engage with us. Being an asshole is NOT doesn’t mean I am not a Socialist.

The only way to get a representative of the Working Party was to force them to a place and hand them a message.

To this day, the message was not answered.

Next month, I will email their 70,000 voters and invite them to become proper Socialists so we can execute Michael Harrington’s vision.

Mexican Election

As I write this newsletter, I am in Mexico as a Progressive Alliance observer at the invitation of the Mexican PRD to observe that the populist ultra-leftist Morena party candidate is not railroading the right-wing candidate Xóchitl Gálvez.

One of the most important issues brought up by the civil activist sector is the current president’s desire to end the independence of the Mexican version of the Board Of Election, which is called the Instituto Nacional Electoral (

This independent system started in the late 1980s, organizing elections and funding the parties’ political activity. The second issue is the violence, and since September 2023, 29 local candidates have been assassinated.

On this trip, I met with my Mexican counterpart, Jesús Zambrano Grijalva of the PRD, who invited the Progressive Alliance delegation.

Dominican Republic Elections

Last month, our Progressive Alliance candidate, Luis Abinader, of the PRM won his relection with 59% of the general vote. Our Socialist International candidate, Manuel Vargas, of the PRD got 0.45% of the vote.

The COPPPAL, the Socialist International, and the Progressive Alliance sent an International Observer.

Everyone reported very calm elections.

As a Dominican candidate, I did vote for the Socialist International candidate.

The Progressive Alliance of the Americas Salon

As an SDA and member of the Democratic Party, we participated in the Progressive Alliance Salon of the Americas.

The discussion focused on the role of the Alliance in the Americas.



Theo Chino
Social Democrats

Bitcoiner, Activist - Doesn’t matter if your are from the Right or the Left; running does.