My draft SDA September newsletter

Theo Chino
Social Democrats
Published in
8 min readSep 25, 2023

Dear Comrades,

Another crazy month full of hope and a fantastic outlook for Socialism and Social Democracy in the United States. I believe we created a space between DSA and the Liberal Democrats.

Last month, I attended the Campus in Blois in the Loire Region of France, the Socialist Party French Overseas convention in Paris, the Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago, and the NYU conference on the Future of Social Democracy in New York.

The International Democratic Party calendar conditions SDA’s. I presented the SDA’s project to many comrades, and they are starting to see the light.

On a personal note, I am not a big fan of being snubbed, which was what the leadership of DSA did at the Chicago 2023 conference.

If the historical past can serve as a predictor for the future, SD-USA will merge with SDA to become SD-USA, but using SDA’s bylaws, DSA will become the youth arm of SDA. Once that happens, the WFP will eventually merge with us because we are challenging them directly on the street using the Democratic Party apparatus and the Socialist logo.

Governing affects life, and people live or die over the decisions the politicians make, and both SD-USA and DSA are not ready to govern.

At SDA, we are! So are the Communists and the Greens.

Ultimately, the Green Party will have to give up on their foolish attempt to create a third party and join the Communists and us working inside the Democratic and Republican parties.

The next time you hear me talking about SD-USA will be when we change our name from SDA to SD-USA. They can continue to snub me; we have been here 141 years.

The content of this newsletter

  • The national Zoom meeting is on October 4th at 9 p.m. East / 6 p.m. West
  • Social Democracy Conference at NYU
  • SDF — Social Democratic Forum monthly conference
  • “Draft AOC 2024” or Meeting with Progressive Democrats of America
  • Broward County, Florida — Looking to prepare Socialist candidates
  • 2023 Manhattan & Staten Island Democratic Party
  • The Ukraine Solidarity Network tour
  • Socialism types at the Chicago Socialism 2023 conference
  • Our godmother has been reelected
  • Socialist International

The national Zoom meeting is on October 4th at 9 p.m. East / 6 p.m. West

Social Democracy Conference at NYU

The Remarque Institute organized a a two days conference titled The Future of Social Democracy.

Comrades of the Socialist International were present in force.

SDA will work with these parties to create antennas for their citizen to participate in the exchange of socialist ideas both here and in their home countries.

From right to left: Benedicta (Ghana), Ivana (Ireland), Temirlan (Kergystan), Paul (Belgium), Theo (France) and Pavlov (Greece)

We’ll work with the Party of European Socialists to study their citygroup model to create an authentic International grassroots movement that will foster cooperation and understanding between our people.

The Y.A. Istel Foundation, the Brademas Center at NYU, Dissent Magazine, and the NYU Provost’s Office co-sponsored the conference.

Many Social Democrats actors hope that we successfully build SDA because they would love to have us as their reference in the United States.

SDF — Social Democratic Forum monthly conference

Kevin McGuire from Texas organizes a monthly series on “Social Democratic Thoughts.”

His team is still working on the format, and it will have distinguished panelists from all over the world, elected Socialists at the European Parliament, distinguished American Social Democratic professors, and Social Democratic foundations speakers.

Texans are sending busloads of immigrants to New York, and everyone talks about reforming the Immigration system.

The SDF team thought of Carl Shusterman as a former Chairman of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), Southern California Chapter and served as a member of AILA’s national Board of Governors (1988–97) and gave us a good overview of our broken immigration system.

We Americans Socialists understand that our political behavior destabilizes entire regions, creating a mess in our communities. We Social Democrats believe every human has the right to a dignified life.

After watching the video, you can continue the discussion by joining our listserv by emailing

Next month, the conference will be on a Saturday, October 21st, 2023, at 2 p.m. Eastern time. Eric Lee will discuss “Labor Unions, the Left, and Ukraine.”

If a topic interests you, don’t hesitate to contact Kevin McGuire with your suggestions at

“Draft AOC 2024” or Meeting with Progressive Democrats of America

We floated the idea of AOC for 2024 to emulate the success of the Progressive Democrats of America. We realized that we need a presidential candidate to have delegates at next year’s convention in Chicago.

To accomplish that goal, Mike Hano, Temirlan, and I met with the director of Progressive Democrats of America. Unfortunately, there is not enough time to get her to do it.

Many of our policies align, so we think we can have our two organizations work together to advance Social Democracy (or Socialism Type II) in the United States.

Broward County, Florida — Looking to prepare Socialist candidates

Carolina Ampudia alerted us that the Miami-Dade school board rejected the recognition of October as LGBTQ History Month.

We can only ensure that schools teach science-based curriculum by training Socialist candidates to run for School Board. If you know citizens willing to run on a progressive platform and become candidates ready to run for school board in Florida, have them reach out to us.

SDA doesn’t endorse candidates, but we can help them create a viable campaign using the Rep My Block tools.

2023 Manhattan & Staten Island Democratic Party

On October 5th, 2023, the Democratic Party in New York City is organizing, where we will elect the board, a chair, a treasurer, and a secretary.

2022 New York Democratic Party County Organizational Meeting

2022 New York Democratic Party County Organizational Meeting
For the fourth time, I will be running for Chair of the Democratic party of Manhattan, and as usual, the New York paper doesn’t mention us by name.

Corry Ortega’s team, listed in the story, defeated the Social Democratic-aligned candidates (one aligned with the Dominican Progressive Alliance PRM and the other with the Democratic Socialist of America), approached me, and asked for my support in defeating Keith Wright.

I asked if he was a Socialist, then inquired about his platform, and seeing that it was not a Social Democrat, I declined to participate.

The Ukraine Solidarity Network tour

Putin’s narrative is that NATO is getting closer to Russia’s border. But as Ukrainian activist Hanna Perekhoda pointed out, if Putin’s NATO arguments are genuine, why is Vladimir Putin sending troops to Georgia and Kazakhstan?

There are no NATO troops in those borders. Putin’s successful takeover of Ukraine will lead us closer to a nuclear war, as pointed out at the Socialism Conference by Ukrainian panelists Hanna Perekhoda, Denys Bondar, and Russian dissident Ilya Budraitskis.

In 2019, at the Socialist International Council meeting in Santo Domingo, Natalya Zemlianska, representing the SDPU of Ukraine, explained the danger Putin represented for the democracy of Ukraine.

Denys Bondar explained and asked that we support the open letter on creating a demilitarized zone around the Zaporzhizhia Nuclear Power plant. Please sign and share the petition.

At the Socialist 2023 conference, I had the opportunity to meet other members of the network.

At the Socialism 2023 conference.

Socialism types at the Chicago Socialism 2023 conference

As I said in the introduction, I don’t like to be snubbed, and when it happens, I ignore it and let people in their beliefs that they are the king of the world (until they are not.)

I hope this is the last time I talk about DSA.

People will leave DSA for SDA when they feel that Type III, IV, or V Socialism is not for them. SDA is just a vehicle to push Social Democracy inside the main two American parties, just like Mike Harrington alluded to.

I don’t do politics for personal gain. I am lying because I got involved in the American political arena to save my bathtub.

Throughout saving my bathtub, I meet many politicians, including Cyrus Vance Jr. (according to the New York Times, the most powerful District Attorney in the world) and Louis Ayala (the Socialist International Secretary General.) Both snubbed me, and I was very vocal about their removal.

At the Future of DSA event by various DSA caucuses, I politely asked the members about Draft AOC using the Types of Socialism. Several comrades picked up on that.

I had the opportunity to talk to each member of the DSA team presenting, and I could see the disdain toward my politics. It’s evident since they are not Type II Socialists. That disdain is an American political disease that we all must work to combat the ultra-right.

The classification of American Socialism along the Socialist Internationals is a way to reintroduce American voters to Socialism. The best way to use the Type of Socialism with the right of Warren voters is to use the Abbott and Costello “Who’s on first” script.

When they say Communism, I answer with: “Oh, that is Type III Socialism, I am Type II. So, what is Chavez? That is Type V.”

Our godmother has been reelected

I want to take the opportunity to share some news from our patron, French Socialist Senator Hélène Conway. She got reelected for another 6-year term.

She has been helping spread the Socialists’ principles of freedom and liberty worldwide, as shown in this campaign video by the Afghan National Parliament Vice President.

She was also on the French Senate’s Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Armed Forces Committee and is an alternate member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

She is also a staunch feminist and posed with me in front of the exposed boob bust of the French Marianne.

Please join me in congratulating on her Twitter video thanking her voters.

Socialist International

For those who know me, I drove them nuts while I strongly lobbied for SDA to be welcomed into the Socialist International with 6 voting, and 4 non voting member. We need more members to be taken seriously:

In solidarity,
Hasta la victoria, ¡siempre!



Theo Chino
Social Democrats

Bitcoiner, Activist - Doesn’t matter if your are from the Right or the Left; running does.