CognitionX Event at Royal Statistics Society with Best Question Award

Miriam Redi
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2016

On Tuesday I had the pleasure to share our research at the Social Dynamics Team (especially about image analysis … :) ) with an amazing crowd, participating at the CognitionX event.

I mainly talked about my research on subjective machine vision, detecting beauty, creativity, stereotyping, sentiment, and any visual property you are not able to actually see.

Food for thoughts:

Best Question Award: Ok — imagine you are able to detect sterotypes — now how can you impress us and make us change our mind? …

Honourable Mention Question Award: Do you think crowdsourcing users would be able to annotate what is ugly or non-creative?

At the end of the talk, a mini-panel with the co-founder of Xanview was organized. Xanview produces IoT-based tools for video surveillance, making CCTV camera accessible even with space and budget constraints. We talked about the future of computer vision on mini-devices, and about face recognition in-the-wild. We both agreed on the fact that detecting anomalies in videos is a) computationally expensive — you have to process at a huge amount of footage b) very hard, because not even humans can properly detect anomalies! How can you understand if someone is taking a different path because she got lost or because she is doing some suspicious activity?

BTW… CognitionX is a new company whose aim is to become the main repository/directory/community of machine learning (data science) scientists, engineers, companies and academic groups. And I think the community really needs something like that!



Miriam Redi

mad astonaut, vision research scientist, teaching machines to see the invisible