DataBeers in Camden Lock!

Miriam Redi
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Beautiful talks at yesterday’s Databeers London, in a super-nice-hipstery location right on the Regent’s Canal, next to the Camden Lock.

Some take-home messages:

Analog data is beautiful. Dear data is a project from Stefanie Posavec and giorgia lupi, two information designers. For one year, they exchanged postcards with hand-drawn visualisations of data related to their daily life. The result is “delicate”, and beautiful.

Dear Data postcards

Forget about AI for self-driving cars, the killer app is self-improving beer! @IntelligentX_ai uses machine learning to create self-improving, personalised beers, evolving according to the drinker’s taste. With version control!

IntelligentX Beers with version control

Our search behavior helps ensuring quality of service in hospitals. S. Culkin @sassbril1 from Department of Health looks at ways to reduce A&E pressure, especially in the case of pneumonia. Using Google Analytics, they looked at query terms searched often in relation with “pneumonia” queries, such as “chest infection”. By using these term trends as predictors, they were able to forecast spikes in pneumonia patients at A&E departments.

Prediction pipeline for the “pneumonia” case.

Communication in Dating apps: welcome to the Medieval age! In his hilarious talk, @TahaYasseri showed interesting statistics on conversations in dating apps: more than 80% of times conversations are started by women, and when a woman start the conversations, it’s less likely that she gets an answer! SO traditional :)

Best Question and Answer Award goes to Taha’s talk:

Q: Did you improve your success in dating apps after this study?

A: Not sure about it, but, hey, I am still single in case you are interested!



Miriam Redi

mad astonaut, vision research scientist, teaching machines to see the invisible