In childhood, what was your dream job ?

SocialE Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2016

“There is a guy in my office, who repeatedly asks everyone, ‘aap bade ho ke kya banna chahte ho?’ (What do you want to become when you grow up ?)

Yes, you heard it right, he WORKS in my OFFICE. No, he is NOT a child.

Well, he asks the question just for fun (i assume so), and everyone laughs, avoiding the question or just digging sarcasm out of it. He himself has no answer for the question or gives an answer that is vague enough to depend completely on our imagination”.

But, what if we really ponder upon the question ?

What if you were asked to really remember your childhood dream and analyse the way it evolved (or is still evolving), moulding the present you ?

Did you want to be what you are today ?

Are you pursuing your dream job as your career (or even as hobby) ?

Where did that determination, those imaginations and that unending motivation go ?

Did everything really disappear ? Or did we change our dreams to fit ourselves in the crowd ?

In childhood, everything is colourful, everything seems possible. We are determined, we are curious, we are honest and most importantly, we let our imaginations flow, without boundaries, without borders and fetters.

As we grow up, we start looking towards our surroundings and giving importance to society, people around us.

Our ambience starts moulding us.

The changes effect us.

The beauty makes us awestruck.

Pain makes us feel defenceless.

We build our preferences, our indifferences, slowly and gradually we evolve into something that is entirely different from that beautiful kid who knew nothing but nature in it’s raw form.

We start to see our vulnerabilities, we’re taught to become anything but weak, and we start building our masks, our fake selves.

We construct a wall for ourselves, so that we can protect our weak inner self from the cruel world.

And while we are busy in all this, we lose our honest essence (if not lost, that essence gets buried in a corner so deep that it can not be fetched from there).

A girl who wanted to be a part of defence, was told that it is a job for men.
And a boy who loved food, and wanted to be a chef, was told that kitchen was meant for girls.
Gender biases compelled them to leave something behind.

A child of rich family wanted to make pots, but his father’s ego stopped him.
And a child of poor family wanted to be a pilot, but his father’s poverty compelled him to become a rickshaw-wala (one who drives rickshaw).
Financial conditions nipped their dreams.

A tan girl who wanted to be a model, was laughed upon by everyone and was convinced that beauty equals ‘fair’
Racism compelled a beauty to redefine her existence.

So many examples prevail around us.

Some were affected by society directly and some indirectly.

Some accept their failure and some convince themselves that they were meant for something else (without even trying once).

What did you want to become ??

Here is a result of social polling using SocialE of what people wanted to become in their childhood.

Did you achieve the dream of your younger self ??

Ponder upon it !! Who knows, you might still achieve your childhood dream. A dream full of enthusiasm and honesty, when no caste, creed, colour, race, money could demotivate you. All you’d know is your dream and the path that you need to walk upon (it won’t matter if that path is less traveled by !!)

Let us know what you think here coz your opinion matters.



SocialE Blog

"You think, I do not belong because you have not seen me in the mud. But, how can you see me when i am dirty, if i shower every night?"