Know the people around !!

SocialE Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2016
Colours that people around us display is just beautiful

There are two extremes of behaviour that people tend to display or possess. First, ‘Introvert’ and second ‘Extrovert’. And the third category, the in-between, the ‘ambivert’ — ones that possesses balance of both the extremes (a category, which majority of us fall in).

No matter what type of person you are.

No matter what your idea of living is.

No matter what suits you.

At some point in time, you must have felt the need to know what exactly the people around you are thinking, and if you’re an introvert or ambivert, you might not be too comfortable in asking someone their opinion in person.

So what is the solution ??

Umm, polling can be a solution. But how ?? When ?? Why ??

Let’s answer the questions one by one.

How ?? → Online would be the best possible solution. Coz you won’t need to go anywhere in search of answers. You can do it using your phone itself.

When ?? → Whenever you feel the need / urge / want / mood for knowing other’s approach.

And the most important one. Why ?? → Coz whether we admit or not, our surroundings really affect us. We’re average of four people around us. And who those 4 people are ?? Others !! We underestimate some issues that need to be addressed more extensively. We overestimate some issues which actually do not require that much attention. But knowing the opinions of our ambience and the direction in which it is headed, we might understand a few things that are otherwise impossible (or tough) to understand, we might come to know a few flaws which we can try and fix, we might appreciate our society a little more, or we might just come out of a few dilemmas like ‘what to wear ?’

We humans have evolved (and are continuously in the process of evolution), and at this point in time, we are too much connected to one another and yet far away from each other.

Let’s know the world in general, and our surroundings in specific with a tinge of SocialE.

Social polling is for what SocialE exists and the best part is, after using social polling as a tool, we’d actually love our surrounding a little more, there are people, who are good enough, ones that actually are the reason of existence of humanity. How long would we curse the mankind for the flaws that exist? Let’s try and remove those flaws and have fun meanwhile.

What else, you ask? Check this link to find out what else is offered along with ‘Social polling’.



SocialE Blog

"You think, I do not belong because you have not seen me in the mud. But, how can you see me when i am dirty, if i shower every night?"