A place to hang

Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2019

by Avir Waxman

We’ve all seen it on TV: the typical hang-out spot. A character walks into their standard spot, and all of their friends are already there, waiting for them. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a place like that? A place like Central Perk, Luke’s Diner, or MacLaren’s? Somewhere you can just walk in, join a conversation, find your friends — somewhere you can feel like you just belong?

People are social animals; we naturally crave interaction with others. But in today’s city, it’s hard to come by. So many places are oriented solely towards business: individualized and anonymous. Take, for example, the coffee shop you’re most likely to walk into. There’s one on every corner, they all look nearly identical, and people are constantly shuffling in and out. You’ll probably never see them again. There doesn’t seem to be a good place to sit; either there’s a business meeting going on, or someone is absorbed in their laptop, working away, not paying attention to the world around them. It’s difficult to be comfortable in a space that seems so manufactured.

What we’re missing is that place on TV, that place where you go to bond and connect. At Socialhaus, we’re looking to change that. We’re designing somewhere you can walk in and say “hello” to everyone there. It’s a space where you can come in, sit down, and spend some time. Maybe have a coffeeor don’t! It doesn’t matter. Socialhaus is designed to create community, not commercial exchange. It’s a spot to make friends and have conversations; it’s a place to relax, surrounded by faces you know. It’s somewhere to hang.

So, we want to ask you: where will you hang-out?

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Your city’s living room — designed to bringing strangers together.