What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

Ask The Experts: What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

Adina Jipa
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2018


You’ve undoubtedly heard by now about the big Facebook news feed update that was announced recently, and you already read so many articles, blogs posts, tweets, Facebook posts and so on. Ok, what’s next?

As everyone is keen to find new ways to raise their game on Facebook, we’ve talked with 10 Facebook experts and social media influencers about the future of Facebook in 2018.

#1. Lilach Bullock — Forbes Top 20 Women Social Media Influencers

Lilach Bullock — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#2. Michael Stelzner — Founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner, Host of the Social Media Marketing podcast

Michael A. Stelzner — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#3. Alex Khan — Social Media Strategist, CEO&founder of Attractive Media

Alex Khan — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#4. Logan Young — Co-founder @ BlitzMetrics, Facebook Ads Geek

Logan Young — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#5. Neal Schaffer — Social Media Author, Consultant, Educator, and Speaker

Neal Schaffer — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#6. Emily Crume — Director of Strategy for Social Media Examiner

Emily Crume — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#7. Phyllis Khare — Co-founder @ Social Media Manager School

Phyllis Khare — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#8. Keri Jaehnig — Founder Idea girl media, Social Media Marketer

Kei Jaehnig — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#9. Glen Gilmore — Forbes Top 20 Social Media Influencer

Glen Gilmore — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

#10. Sam Hurley — The Guy Who Went From ‘Nobody’ to #1 Marketing Influencer in 15 Months

Sam Hurley — What’s The Future Of Facebook Marketing?

Don’t panic (yet) will all these updates, evaluate what you’re doing, and create content that drives conversations and engagement.

Read the full story on socialinsider.io blog.



Adina Jipa

Co-founder & Marketing @socialinsiderio — a unified dashboard for social media analytics and benchmarking.